Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

September 22, 2017
By Marti100 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Marti100 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For the Book Eleanor & Park, the author did an outstanding job with her very descriptive, detailed, and deep wording. As the book starts she describes Eleanor’s (one of the main character's ) life in Omaha, Nebraska and how her experience there impacted her a lot throughout the story. One of my favorite things that Rowell did in the story is that when she introduced Eleanor to Park by them two fighting over choosing a seat on the bus, and from that point forward is where a young romance had started. To me what worked out the most was the entire structure of the book, and how the author told every little specific detail either about Eleanor or Park ( another main character in this story) Eleanor’s character in this book was aimed to be a weird, outgoing, sweet, and not like everyone else which makes her special. Park’s character is protective, quiet, lonely, and most likely to be an outsider compared to the other kids there.  The theme that I got from the book was that you will fall in love with the person you’d least expect it to be.  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a suspenseful, adventurous, sad, heart-warming, and most definitely if you just want something to reflect on life because this book will make your heart go crazy with emotions just from the wording. On the book where it said “ I’ll just say, ‘Eleanor, follow me down this rabbit hole….’” (Rowell 166), it really made my heart melt because I just feel like Park really cares about Eleanor and doesn’t want her to leave his side and wants to be with her in his future. Another quote from the book where it said “ There’s a place in his chest, just below his throat, that makes me want to let him open doors for me” (Rowell 301), to me that made me feel like both of them have a very close connection to the point that they would do anything for each other even if it meant they had to sacrifice something.

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