The Lighting Dreamer by Margarita Engle | Teen Ink

The Lighting Dreamer by Margarita Engle

September 22, 2017
By Anonymous

The book is about a girl named Tula. Her family is very strict especially her mom her dad passed away a few years ago and now it’s just her and her mom. Tula’s mom says that it is bad to read book, she says that men don’t like smart girls they just want a wife who cleans and cooks not a smart who will end up having a smart mouth with her husband. Before Tula’s dad passed away he would let her read his books and she would be happy about it but she had to do it when her mother won’t see her or she will get mad at her. I really enjoyed reading this book just because I can kind of relate to it with my parents they don’t let me go out a lot so I have to do stuff so they can let me go out. For instance, I have to clean and do my homework before I go out anywhere. I would recommend this book to anyone who has strict parents or any family members that are like that. Overall I would really enjoy if they did a whole series about this book I would really enjoy it.

The Lighting Dreamer
To visual it just imagine your parents not letting you do your homework because they say it’s disrespectful well it’s the same with Tula if she reads a book her mom feels disrespected by that. Author is Margarita Engle. The genre is for younger teens. “I am silent. Useless. My voice has vanished.”(Engle 39). Explains how she can’t speak up for herself. “The sun is a ghost. My feelings are phantom”(Engle 76). She is saying that her feelings are out there but they don’t matter.


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