Anthem Benefits by Ayn Rand | Teen Ink

Anthem Benefits by Ayn Rand

December 12, 2017
By OwenH04 BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
OwenH04 BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anthem is a society based upon abolishing any type of creativity and there is extreme order and job systems. Also, there are a strict set of rules that need to be followed if not there are severe punishments. In todays world teens are forced into so many situations they normally wouldn’t allow themselves to get involved, until they are another victim of peer pressure. Anthem stops that problem before it can start, the scientists interfere with their brain leaving them like zombies. They don’t understand how to do anything but work, no one remembers how man used to live. Anthem shows teenage readers that all the creativity we have should not be wasted, we take our freedom for granted but in Anthem there are severe consequences for just not working hard in a 5-hour shift. The teenagers in Anthem are already put to work in assigned jobs, there average life span is up to 45 years old. Teens today put themselves in harms way by doing drugs, smoking or gang violence and they die so young because they are forced to do it, or their friends bully them into it. Another thing teens can take from this novel is that no matter what problem you have or situation there is always a solution, sometimes people forget that and give up but there will always be someone to help. In Anthem Equality 7-2521 could turn to the golden one and he found an option. For example, he fled to the forest t get away from the society and he is living happier than ever.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write by my english teacher because she always pushes me to my best and I worked very hard on this and it hit me very emotionally.

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