House on Mango St | Teen Ink

House on Mango St

January 10, 2018
By joserios BRONZE, Azusa, California
joserios BRONZE, Azusa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

House on Mango Street is a story about a family that goes inthe struggle the story takes place on a street named mango on a neighberhood where espernaza and her famiy live. esperanza struggles acompplshing her dream but she never gaved up no matter what and proved that its never too late. she helped her family and made them proud. i recomend to read this story because its very inspiring and interesting to read about esperanzas story.

The author's comments:

what insired me about this bookwas the way esperanza never gaved up she kept pushin throughout the struggle she had she acompplished her dream with hard work.


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