Enigma by Catherine Coulter | Teen Ink

Enigma by Catherine Coulter

April 4, 2018
By Sofiab223 BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
Sofiab223 BRONZE, Sugar Land, Texas
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How much is really at stake for the future? Catherine Coulter’s novel, Enigma, allows readers to immerse themselves into a state of both bewilderment and fascination. True to its title, readers will get to play detective and unravel the enigma surrounding a legend that will be brought to reality. 


Taking place in the surprisingly near future on the north eastern coast of the U.S, Enigma, is a fast-paced FBI thriller; it will have readers drooling to read more. When Kara Moody finds herself at the center of a mystery that involves a new breakthrough in scientific discovery, she cannot even fathom the consequences that may follow. From the first night in which a young man shows up at Kara’s house claiming that she and her unborn child are in danger, to the kidnap of the child as soon as he is born, agents Savich and Sherlock, the bellwethers of this case, must tackle the questions that are begging to be answered, like who is this man–and here I was thinking the lunch line at school was crazy. Wait– the plot only gets more insane. With only one wristband labeled enigma two, and tests of an known drug in this mysterious John Doe, the agents must figure out the identity of this man; however, they also have to uncover his startling connection to Kara Moody. Meanwhile, agents Wittier and Cabot also have to track down a nefarious criminal that could be linked more closely to John Doe than they know. Manta Ray, a convicted bank robber, has just escaped from prison and the safe-deposit box he stole and hid could hold the answer to John Doe. Their search takes them through forests, the White House, and even to places as far as Russia as they race to solve this mystery. This preposterous case ultimately tests all boundaries, and it is by far the most perplexing case the agents may have ever seen.

Not only will Enigma have readers absolutely captivated, like an eight-year-old girl in a Frozen movie, and whisked into a world of suspense, but it also poses a relevant question: how much is one willing to pay for the cost of one wish? From science enthusiasts, to ethical critics, FBI fanatics, or adults and young adults who picked up this book off the shelf just for fun, Enigma is sure to deliver an intriguing plot that will galvanize the readers into pitting ethics against the scientific revolution and possibly even love. Readers will leave with fulfillment and will learn to be careful what they wish for because everything– love, beauty, family, loyalty, and even the future– comes with a hefty and often fatal price.

The author's comments:

I hope that if this book sounds interesting to you, you check it out! 


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