John Wick 2 | Teen Ink

John Wick 2

June 1, 2019
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

John Wick 2 is the sequel to the electrifying John Wick and continues the adventures of the outrageously powerful John Wick. Taking place directly after the original, John Wick's plans of retirement and leaving a normal life are once again cut short, placing the super-assassin back into the dangerous world of assassins that he used to know so well. It all starts when the typical civilian life he wants seems to be swept away when an Italian gangster named Santino D'Antonio literally shows up on Wick's doorstep, requesting a favor with a gold marker that acts as a high reward that gets received in return for serving as an assassin. Despite how John tries to convince him that he has changed and that he doesn't want to do it, he is soon compelled by the fact that Santino threatens to destroy him with his connections and that the receiving of a gold marker signifies that John Wick can't refuse the officer, due to the secret assassin society's ancient codes. Placed into a situation that he can't get to seem get out of, Wick discovers that he doesn't have much of a choice and must accept the assignment of taking out Santino's sister, who happens to be in charge of a crime syndicate. As Wick gets pulled further away from his goals of breaking free from the past, not only does he realize that he will probably never be truly free, but he must use al of the skills he has ever used in his new assignment that involves him having to take down all of the assassins that Santino's sister has hired, who are compelled by the million dollar bounty placed onto his head. 

John Wick 2 is an adrenaline-packed adventure that booms in the sky like a soaring rocket and never slows down. As a film attempting to reinvent the human condition, this movie family miserably. Except, this isn't the case. The movie knows and understands that it is meant to be a gory thriller with violence galore, allowing the movie to function incredibly well at several different depths. There are more deaths than before, and it seems like the movie felt like it was necessary to pump up the amount of intensity and the drama in the movie. This could have potentially caused the movie to just feel more lackluster, since none of the movie's action was that significant, simply because it was so excessive, but this just isn't the case. Instead, this allows the intensity of the movie to blast off the charts and cause viewers to be transported into this movie universe, because no matter how talented the characters are, no one is safe. Even John Wick must struggle with battling some of his fiercest opponents yet, and when it seems like the entire world is against him, Wick must unleash the inner beast within him and demonstrate to the world why those who know him fear him so. 

 John Wick 2 may not be the type of the movie that fans would expect to have that good of a story, but the plot is surprisingly well done. The beginning of the movie seamlessly transitions from the original into this sequel, making it feel like the franchise never missed a beat. The middle of the movie is never boring or stale and instead includes some of the best action scenes in the entire movie, which, of course, are always fan-favorites. The ending of the movie proves to be enticing, exhilarating and wraps up this movie's tale while also setting up the inevitable third movie in the franchise that will certainly be appreciated by fans. 

 John Wick 2 manages to highlight one of the most intriguing characters in the history of movies in John Wick. Brutal and talented in his entirety, John Wick is a character that combines elements of so many different characters, and yet at the same time, he still feels completely fresh and original. This concept may have been done before but not to the same extent as this dangerous assassin. John Wick may have been introduced in the first movie, but he definitely comes back in this one stronger and just as awesome as before. 

 John Wick 2 greatly benefits from some truly spectacular visuals that encompass everything and then some that the creators could have possibly wanted to include. As an absolute work of art when it comes to choreography and fight scenes, it shouldn't be that big of a surprise that the visuals are impressive. However, the true extent of this impressiveness is just mind-boggling. Not only are the visuals good, but the visuals effects of the movie are just at such a high level that they are beyond amazing. When coupled together with the superb special effects, the movie has an exploding series of images and battles. Additionally, the movie has the ability to say that its star truly shines. Keanu Reeves is nothing short of brilliant as Joh Wick, and not only is he able to transform into the unique character, but he is also to bring a level of emotion and intensity to the movie that seems to be the standard for what the movie attempts to accomplish. 

John Wick 2 has the rare ability to say that it is beloved by both critics and viewers. Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an impressive 89%, and a whopping 93% of Google users liked the movie, cementing the idea that this movie should be seen by anyone and everyone, since such a wide variety of audiences liked the movie. 

John Wick 2 combines together magnificent visuals, a marvelous plot, a charismatic concept, and a tremendous character to create a masterpiece that deserves to be seen. This movie will certainly surpass any and all expectations with its eccentric charm. Much like John Wick, this movie needs to be beholden in person. 

The author's comments:

"The man. The myth. The legend. John Wick. You’re not very good at retiring." - The Bowler King


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