A Man Called Otto Review | Teen Ink

A Man Called Otto Review

April 26, 2024
By Anonymous

A Man Called Otto is a movie about an older gentleman named Otto who struggles with depression. The movie includes the same man who voiced Woody In Toy Story, one of the best children’s movie series. Tom Hanks starring as Otto was an amazing choice, and the movie even includes Tom Hanks' son, Truman Hanks, who played Otto when he was younger.

At the beginning of the Movie Otto is angry and depressed but the movie follows him improving relationships with his neighbors and starting to care more about the important things in life.

It was enjoyable to watch Otto as he transformed from an angry old man into a happier and more helpful person. One thing that wasn’t enjoyable about the movie was that it had a slow start, but following Otto's improving relationships with his neighbors and regaining happiness in life made suffering through the slow start worth it. Overall the movie was wholesome and my parents enjoyed watching this movie together.

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