Tenet | Teen Ink


April 26, 2024
By brettb0000 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
brettb0000 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some movies are rather simple. The main characters are introduced, a plot twist happens, the main characters fight through adversity, and they have a happy ending. Other movies, however, are not so easy to follow. Bring in Tenet, Christopher Nolan’s 2020 action film. Tenet is not quite as flashy as The Dark Knight or Oppenheimer, and it is much harder to follow than The Prestige or Inception. With all that in mind, it still made for a fascinating watch.

The whole movie is effectively a palindrome, and characters flip between forwards and backwards time frequently. I’ve seen it twice and I still feel like I could use another watch to piece it together.The plot of the movie may seem like more of an obstacle at first, but it really becomes more straightforward when you step back and look at it. 

The movie has its protagonist, conveniently referred to as “The Protagonist.” Yes, his name is literally “The Protagonist.” There is the antagonist, Sator, who tries to steal a part of the “algorithm” and stop time on Earth entirely. The movie is set in present day largely, with real places used often such as Russia, India, Australia, and more. The rest of the movie becomes more of a puzzle but keeping the main points in mind works well to understand. 

The cinematography is very Christopher Nolan-esque with complicated themes, nicely framed shots, and the scenes are very well put together. The sound mixing is the biggest fault in my opinion, as even on a 5.1 surround sound system the dialogue can be hard to hear over ambient noise or music. The soundtrack is very fitting and elevates the movie to a higher level with a current feel that suits the modernistic nature of the movie.

The actors for the movie steal the show. John David Washington makes for a brilliant lead, and his main rival (played by Kenneth Branagh) matches the energy, with multiple dramatic scenes. Robert Pattinson and Elizabeth Debicki make up the two other major characters, and they both supplement the film by playing crucial roles in the main plot and really selling the action. 

Tenet is a hidden gem of a movie made by one of the greatest directors of our time. While at first glance it may seem like a chore to watch, the movie grabs your attention quickly and keeps it invested. The muted theater release during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 may have quelled initial interest in the film, but Tenet is a movie that will most certainly become a cult classic among movie diehards.

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