Dune 2 Reveiw | Teen Ink

Dune 2 Reveiw

April 29, 2024
By Isaac_ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Isaac_ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My friend and I went to see the movie Dune 2. It's a very popular movie that my friend wanted to see. I said yes even though I had not seen the first movie. The movie seemed confusing but I told myself I would get it eventually. Dune is from my understanding sort of like a Star Wars type movie. Some people don't care and are not interested in it. But then there are other people who have their whole personality based around that movie. From my point of view dune and star wars are similar in that way.

I watched a summary of the first movie on youtube to get an idea of what I was getting myself into. I was still lost after the summary, but had some decent background knowledge on the characters and setting. The movie was 2 hours and 46 minutes long. It took place in a sandy environment. This was about all I knew coming into the movie. After the first 25 minutes of the movie, My friend was really into it. But—I was sitting there wondering if I would eventually catch on. At around the 1 hour mark I started to get the flow of the movie.

I overall was not liking the movie so far just because of no prior knowledge of the movie. It wasn't the type of movie I typically would be interested in. But I am open to giving every movie a chance. I have seen overall. During the movie I was feeling like I was interested and then suddenly the movie cut into a new random scene. It was as if the movie had episodes like a show. Towards the end of the movie the movie started to make more sense and I could identify all the characters and things in the movie. Once it ended I needed to give my review.

In the end the movie was a 3.5/5 at best. I felt as if the movie was really long and didn't really give a meaningful ending. Although I enjoyed the cinematics and action like the cool fight senes. But the movie seemed as if it was multiple tiny movies combined into 1 movie. For example during a mid fight scene it skips to a different part in the movie which confused why they would do this. In the end if you have seen the first movie and liked it, then give it a chance. But if you have seen the first movie and didn't like it, Or have never seen the first movie I recommend watching part one first. But for most people seeing the movie you would have watched the first one. So overall I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you have a deep good understanding of the first movie, unless you know you liked part one and have been waiting for part two. But for someone who is not interested in movies like star wars or dune part one then I wouldn't recommend this movie for you.

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Its about dune 2

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