The Cable Guy | Teen Ink

The Cable Guy

July 24, 2009
By JusticeJohnson SILVER, Pine Junction, Colorado
JusticeJohnson SILVER, Pine Junction, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

When I saw that Ben Stiller directed, and that Jim Carry, Jack Black, and Matthew Broderick starred in this movie, I thought It was going to be a movie that would make me laugh to tears. Sure, there was alot of funny moments, but I believe the dark humor in this movie leaked into tragic. Don't take that the wrong way either, you should see this movie at least once, but don't expect to laugh as hard as you would to other Jim Carry movies. As a matter of fact, go lock your doors before you watch this.

Steven Kovacs's (Matthew Broderick) girlfriend Robin (Leslie Mann) just kicked him out of there apartment, so he reluctantly gets his own place. After he gets settled in, he gets a Cable Guy named Chip (Jim Carry) to set up his cable, after Chip is done Steven takes his friend Rick's (Jack Black) advice and askes Chip to set him up with free channels. As Chip accepts, Chip (as a lonely misunderstood man, that has developed a stalker like personality) believes they are best friends. But things start getting out of hand as Steven denies to him that they have any sort of Friendship, so Chip resorts to evil ways to get Steven to stay his best Friend.

This movie was not bad at all, I gave it a 7.5 cause It wasn't the best Jim Carry movie (meaning not as funny), but he still was a really good actor. As a matter of fact, Jim Carry won 1997 MTV Movie Awards for Best Comic Performance and Best Villain. Though this movie was suppost to be comedy, I coulden't help but feel bad for the Character "Chip" though out the movie, but the songs they played in this movie made up for that (More Human, Than Human- Rob Zombie). All in all, this movie is a must see If you like Jim Carry, I know I'm going to watch it again.....

- Justice Johnson


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on Aug. 25 2009 at 12:14 am
GlassHeart SILVER, Black Earth, Wisconsin
7 articles 8 photos 167 comments
Good review. I love this movie!!!