Love Happens | Teen Ink

Love Happens

September 8, 2010
By Katie R PLATINUM, Fort Plain, New York
Katie R PLATINUM, Fort Plain, New York
47 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Burk Ryan is the author of the top-selling self-help book "A-Okay." Even though he lost his wife three years before, Burk's life seems pretty A-Okay until he comes to Seattle to teach a self-help seminar. There, he runs into his father-in-law, who still outwardly blames him for his daughter's death and a hard shelled seminar participant who lost his twelve year-old son in a construction sight accident. As conflict races into Burk's life, he meets Eloise, a florist who becomes his first date in three years. As Burk spends most of his downtime in Seattle with Eloise, she teaches him to enjoy the little moments in life, to let go, and to move on, which is everything that he's been trying to teach his seminar participants but never took the time to teach himself.

Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Anniston star in this more-than-your-average-rom/com. This romatic comedy includes elements that we have seen in classic romantic comedies which gives this film a sweet spark, but it also shares its own unique flares as well, which are spread throughout the movie. We even get to really delve into the personal lives of Eloise and Burk, and we also get a chance to see the people whose lives they impact and their work lives as well. With award-worthy camera handling and a wonderful cast of fun and talented actors, it won't be hard for you to see why love happens. Enjoy!


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