Cinderella | Teen Ink


September 14, 2010
By Beautiful GOLD, Houston, Texas
Beautiful GOLD, Houston, Texas
19 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You betta recognize, cause I ain&#039;t apologizin&#039;.&quot;<br /> &quot;If you wanna be with me, you betta pull your pants up.&quot;

"Cinderella" with Brandy and Whitney Houston is a very good movie. I mean with real singers, it kind of brings out the movie a little more. Not only that, but it's like you can feel yourself in one of their places. You can feel yourself playing as Cinderella. You have that dream of being princess all of your life. Not only that, but you're keeping that promise with your father after dies. You can feel yoself playing as Fairy Godmother, the one who wants to help people. Not only that, but you have magic that will help you help other people in making their dreams come true.


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