Legally Blonde | Teen Ink

Legally Blonde

March 28, 2008
By Anonymous

From start to finish the movie is full of witty dialogue and loveable characters. Reese Witherspoon does a convincing job of portraying the character of Elle Woods in “Legally Blonde”, a light-hearted comedy. Elle decides to change her entire life around. She goes from president of her ditzy sorority to a serious Harvard Law student, all to win back the man she thinks she is in love with.

There are many romantic twists to the plot; even though Elle gets where she wants to be at Harvard, things get challenging. A snobby fiancé stands in the way of Elle and her ex- boyfriend, competing for the guy, Warner, and attention in class. However, there is another unexpected man at Harvard, Emmett, played by Luke Wilson, who is the sweet, intellectual guy any girl would be after.

If you enjoy romantic-comedies with a slightly fairy-tale like spin, you will enjoy “Legally Blonde”. I’ve seen it so many times that I know almost every line to the film.


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