Grown Ups 2 | Teen Ink

Grown Ups 2

September 10, 2013
By Anonymous

Grown Ups 2

Grown Ups 2 is about a family moving back to their hometown to meet with old friends. However, Lenny doesn’t expect it to be like this. From crushes to backyard parties I absolutely love this movie. I would recommend it for people who love to laugh, and enjoy time with family. I really enjoyed Grown Ups 2 and, so did my family. Another thing is during the whole movie it shows you how to handle real life scenarios. For example, a girl gets asked out on a date, and the father has to make a decision if he will let her or will not.

The authors of Grown Ups 2 are Adam Sandler, Fred Wolf, and Tim Herlihy. Adam is the only person who wrote the movie, and also starred in it. It starts on the last day of school, and the parents are learning from their kids about how everything works in 2013. In one scene a dad and son meet for the first time. However the dad never knew that he even had a son. When he was on the phone with his ex- wife he asked what he looked like, and she just replied a lot like you. When the son steps off of the train, the dad definitely knows who he is. He expected him to be a little bit brighter. The dad gives his son a teddy bear and he chopped its head off. The dad was scared of his son so he just sent him to school on the last day. I think that the son never had support from his dad, and the mom wasn’t enforcing him to do the right things and be good. So, he ended up the way he is now. I love Grown Ups 2 bunches!

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mimi6 said...
on Apr. 14 2014 at 1:12 pm
mimi6, Cashmere, Washington
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this was amazing!:D