Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 21, 2013
By Ezekiel Hodson BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Ezekiel Hodson BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ender’s Game

The Book and the movie have many differences. The movie was missing a lot of things. It also had a lot of things added. In the beginning of the movie Ender picked up this weird looking tree thing and hit stilson with it. That never happened in the book. In the movie when Ender was on his way to battle school, Bean was one of the launchies with him. In the book Bean was one of the members in Ender’s toon. In the book Ender was younger than in the movie. In the movie there was less battles than in the book. Ender had more battles with his army. In the book, Ender’s toon had to practice a lot to learn new formations and tactics. But in the movie, Ender’s toon didn’t even need to practice. The formations that they used were easy to them and they just got to battle school. They were only at battle school for a week. In the movie, Petra was in Ender’s toon as a substitute. The book never mentioned Petra being in Ender’s toon. In the movie when Ender had his own toon, Bernard seemed nice to him. In the book Bernard was never nice to him. In the movie, Alai was in his toon. The only people that was in Ender’s toon from the book was Bean and a whole bunch of launchies. In the book, it took years of training to get out of battle school. He actually aged. But in the movie Ender looks like he never aged at all. In the beginning of the movie Ender was to old. In the book Ender started off younger. In the movie there was only one scene of Peter bullying Ender. But in the book Peter would bully Ender more often. Also in the movie they left out the part where Peter tells Ender that he actually loves him. In the movie Peter was in the mind game. In the movie there was only two scenes where Ender was on the mind game. But in the book Ender was on the mind game a lot. There were more challenges in the mind game than in the movie.


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