Pitch Black | Teen Ink

Pitch Black MAG

By Anonymous

   I was tricked into seeing the new sci-fi thriller,"Pitch Black." Some advice for anyone planning to see it: Get a root canalinstead, you'll have more fun.

The entire movie is a cliche. First theytry to draw you in with an emotionless, high-budget action se-quence. You can'teven understand what's happening, it's so blurry and loud. Then they try to flingemotion in, but it's so phony and overdone you just want to throw-up. Like mostthriller movies, there are constant twists and turns which are supposed to beclever. These "surprises" are so pointless they actually manage to make thestory worse.

The characters keep changing roles: they're good, then bad,then good, then bad. As soon as you figure out what's happening, they changeagain. Of course, by the end there are only a few left, but at that point Ididn't even care anymore. I was praying the theater would explode and put me outof my misery.

There is only one thing I liked about "Pitch Black,"and that's the villain, Riddick. But if you're up for a night of boredom andutter revulsion, by all means, go see "Pitch Black." When you come outbegging for a refund, I won't even say I told you so.

This movie is rated R.All those under 17 must be accompanied by an adult.


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i love this so much!