The World Is Not Enough | Teen Ink

The World Is Not Enough MAG

By Anonymous

   "The World Is Not Enough" was released in November, the third filmwith Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.

The action never ceases; like all Bond movies, a villaintries to take over the world. Bond's assignment is to protect the very wealthy heiress Electra King (SophieMarceau) from a tough, insane man known simply as Renard (Robert Carlyle). Renard is a well-knownterrorist with a bullet in his brain that causes him not to feel pain.

From beginning to end, thereare familiar Bond scenes of explosive stunts and intimate scenes. Halfway through, Bond teams up with anuclear-weapons expert (Denise Richards). Together, they work to stop Renard from launching a powerfulnuclear weapon that would kill millions. With his shrewd and manipulating ways, Bond remains the savvyhero who saves the day.

Sooner or later writers will run out of ideas for Bond. That time maycome soon, as it is easy to see this movie has no fresh ideas and is just a typical Bond film. Despite beingmediocre for the most part, the audience will be entertained by the nonstop action.

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i love this so much!