West Side Story | Teen Ink

West Side Story

February 20, 2014
By Audrey2020 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Audrey2020 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

West Side Story (1961)

West Side Story is a story that isl know right away. This musical has interesting song and dance choices through out. The story starts out when two gangs clash over the streets of New York, love fuels from hate. The puerto rican sharks and the white jets are certainly far from similar. When they fight over who is to rule the streets, a less than ordinary love connection occurs. Head shark Bernardo’s little sister Maria falls in love with former jet Tony. Their secret love affair can not seem to stop the violence between the two gangs. The groups try to plan a fight to decide once and for all who is to rule the streets . Bernardo kills Tony’s best friend Riff, out of revenge Tony stabs Bernardo. This is news that Maria can’t seem to believe. Tony’s and Maria’s love is so strong that she forgives him for the death of her brother, even with the opposite opinions of her family. Tragedy can’t seem to stop and Tony is killed. With this the rivalry comes to a close.
West side Story is an updated version of Romeo and Juliet. The storyline is predictable, and every event that happens is expected. Robert Wise just modernizes a new story, there is nothing that is original. The only feelings the characters have are ones that you expect to happen. Even though you know everything that is going to happen, the characters do an okay job of relaying emotion in scenes. They do this by showing their true emotions in song and dance.
Overall, I would not call it new or revolutionary to any means, but it was still okay to watch. It is an interesting view on a classic and was nice to see someone else's interpretation of it.

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This article has 1 comment.

mplo said...
on Jun. 28 2016 at 4:27 pm
Although West Side Story is loosely based in Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, I would not go so far as to call it a hip version, or even a modern-day version of that play. West Side Story is a musical that's in a special class all by itself, in that, unlike most musicals, and despite being fiction, it deals with real-life situations (i. e. racial/ethnic conflict, urban gang warfare, romances and marriages that crosses racial/ethnic/religious barriers despite opposition of families, and the all-too-frequent consequences of prejudice and the gratuitous violence and/or death that ensues thereafter.