West Side Story | Teen Ink

West Side Story

February 21, 2014
By kk_joyce BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
kk_joyce BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

West Side Story is an exceptional musical that captures the love of Maria (Natalie Wood) and Tony (Richard Beymer). It portrays the rivalry between two gangs, the jets and the sharks, which then causes there to be hatred among everyone. The jets are determined to keep their “turf”, but the sharks are determined to find one of their own. This creates a huge brawl among the Americans and the Puerto Ricans, leaving the end one to remember.

This dramatic thriller derives of the romantic novel of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. It follows the story behind how two star-crossed lovers fall madly in love, when their families are totally opposed of one another. The Jets and the Sharks are based of the Montagues and the Capulets, and they do a great job of portraying this, while still adding musical entertainment.

West Side Story in my opinion is a true american classic. It is the winner of 10 Oscar awards, and it is at number 42 on the top 100 list. The excellence within the film is it’s ability to tell a story about love and hate, while keeping the audience interested. The music allows the audience to obtain a deeper understanding of the films true meaning, while revealing different personalities to make it more enjoyable.

I would rate West Side Story 4 stars because at some points in the movie it was confusing what was going on, or who certain characters were. For instance, in the beginning of the movie when the two gangs are battling over the jets “turf”, it is hard to acquire what is happening between the two gangs. Overall, by the end of the movie, I understood the entire concept, and I believe the musical aspect helped me to do so. West Side Story is a drama filled with twisted plots, that is worth a view every once in a while.

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This article has 1 comment.

mplo said...
on Jun. 28 2016 at 2:42 pm
What a great review of a great, golden oldie-but-keeper of a classic, kk_joyce! Thanks you for posting it. Your points are spot-on.