Pretty Woman | Teen Ink

Pretty Woman MAG

By Anonymous

   "Pretty Woman" may be the best movie of the year! I cannot picture any other actress performing as well as Julia Roberts did in the lead character of Vivian.

It is a story of love and romance. Vivian, a prostitute, is paid by an extremely wealthy middle-aged guy to be his date for a week. He does not have a girlfriend, and his friends are always pestering him about it, so he hires Vivian to pretend to be his girlfriend and go to business dinners, parties, and social events with him. Vivian readily accepts the offer and gets a taste of the rich life. She is given his credit card and is allowed to buy anything she wants. At first Vivian feels uncomfortable and is not accepted by his friends, but in no time, after buying some new, elegant clothes, expensive jewelry, and by acting more sophisticated, she fits right in. Soon, Vivian and her "boyfriend" fall in love, but their differences seem strong enough to keep them apart. They struggle to understand one another, and realize in order to be together they have to sacrifice things.

This is an excellent story that anybody would enjoy seeing. You are guaranteed to laugh and maybe even cry. Julia Roberts will touch your heart! n


This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!