Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By Austin Gilbert BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Austin Gilbert BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Young Spirit Inside of Us

Everyone has had a childhood or is in their childhood right now. A lot of things come with childhood, childish thoughts, childish attitude, and childhood innocence. Have you ever thought about how much of that remains into your later years? Some hardly grow up, others are shoved into the reality of life and most of their childhood is left behind but not all of it.
Most of my childhood has carried on throughout my life and even into my choice in movies. When I watch animated childrens film my brain will mostly revert back to my childhood days and start watching the movie like I am nine again; this happens to me when I start laughing at the simple slapstick comedy, or when the random bursting out of singing which half the time could be unnecessary. Now I am nine, without my regular aged brain I tend to think more of what is happening here and now, rather than thinking about the future which is what my real age brain thinks about. The effect that the movie has on me and you by reverting back in time only enhances the movie for it was made it be seen in the eyes of a child. In the eye of a child you really don’t know what is coming around the corner because you are thinking about what is happening now rather than what will happen. In the movie The Little Mermaid when the sea witch takes her voice your adult brain would think about this is not going to end up well for her when your child brain is thinking that now she can be with her true love. Other movies in this genre such as Mulan don’t end with a princess and a prince getting married, but the “ true love “ will happen in a terrible sequel that will never live up to the first one.

All of the “true love” in children’s film is either drawn out or sudden to advance the plot. The movie Frozen has both sudden love and long drawn out love. In the movie the love between Anna and Hans is sudden and cute will a fun song giving you back story in Hans and Anna’s life. This gives you a warm child like feeling about their sweet innocent love which in the end is all fake when Hans leaves Anna to die in the better cold because he is power hunger. The film's drawn out love story is Anna and her sister Elsa; this love is displayed at it’s finest when Anna sacrifices herself for her sister. Don’t worry though because Elsa brings Anna back to life in the end because yeah children’s movies. Frozen is one of the best children’s movies that have been released because of have a great way of making the love feeling great in a child”s eye and mine

The author's comments:
Frozen is one of the best, most godly movies to ever appear on this barren earth.


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