The Babadook | Teen Ink

The Babadook MAG

April 26, 2015
By Julia Mogen BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
Julia Mogen BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The Babadook” redefines horror films with its simple scares and hauntingly beautiful storytelling. Praised at the Sundance Film Festival, “The Babadook” has taken horror deeper into the corners of the human mind. Not only does this Australian film have elements of a classic creature feature, like suspense and a boogieman, it also deals with themes of grief and other psychological issues.

The film follows single mother Amelia (Essie Davis) as she tries to cope with her troubled son, Sam (Noah Wiseman), and the seven-year anniversary of her husband’s death. As Sam’s tantrums escalate, Amelia realizes they may be the result of a morbid children’s book, “Mister Babadook,” that mysteriously appeared on their doorstep. Sam is not only on edge at home, but also around his mother, who is steadily losing her own grip on reality.

The scares are real, but so are the emotions from Amelia and Sam. It’s the fear of losing a child or parent that drives the terror. Amelia’s and Sam’s perspectives as mother and son are what makes this film so mature in its execution.

As the film delves into motifs of family, grief, and loneliness, it never loses its creep factor. The simple design of the Babadook monster is unsettlingly perfect. Although the creature’s top hat, cloak-like body and long fingers may sound corny, it’s everything but. The fact that anyone can conjure it up in their mind makes it haunting and all the more real.

I give “The Babadook” the highest rating possible. Director Jennifer Kent has created a new genre with this blend of supernatural scares and the chaos of parenthood. The ending is unpredictable and satisfying, reminding us that our demons never disappear entirely.

The author's comments:

I love writing movie reviews, especially about films that not many people have heard of that turn out to be great movies, like in this case. There are so many horror films out there right now that are unoriginal but "The Babadook" is not one of them. I want people to know that obscure indie movies aren't necessarily indecent and are often times better than blockbusters.  

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 11 2015 at 11:25 am
WhatOnceWas SILVER, Kirkland, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 23 comments
I loved this movie... I felt like the whole thing was a sort of metaphor for mental illness. When they finally "vanquish" the Babadook, it flees to the basement, where it's mainly out of sight and out of mind. But it's still there, and the mother and son have to actively work to keep it away. If they were to stop, it would return and ruin their lives.