Hunger Games Part 2 | Teen Ink

Hunger Games Part 2

December 14, 2015
By Kschauman BRONZE, Melbournebeach, Florida
Kschauman BRONZE, Melbournebeach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The final conclusion to the Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2 lived up to expectations. Katnis Everdeen leads the revolt against President Snowe. It's a battle between the Capitol and the rebels to claim all of Panam. It's a fantastic ending to the series of movies of the hunger games.

It picks up right where the last movie left off. Katnis is safe and recovers from her injuries. She then sneaks out to the front line of the rebellion to inspire the group of people to fight against the Capitol. When giving a speech someone tries to shoot and kill her. They hit her but she survives and recovers.

After her recovery she wakes up back at the rebellion's headquarters. She's sent back to the front line on a mission to take propaganda videos to inspire the rebels. When they are doing this something goes wrong and the leader of the group died. Katnis has to take over and finish the mission

She has secret incentives and wants to kill president snowe on her own. It's action packed from then until the end. They are chased the whole entire time by the game makers until the end, where a finally takes place that has an interesting twist.

The Mockingjay Part 2 is wrapped up in a satisfying way that will please the audience. Justice is served and everyone will hopefully live happy in Panam without corrupt government. Katnis also makes a decision and has a family with Peeta. It ends the series very well.

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