Black Bear by Andrew Belle | Teen Ink

Black Bear by Andrew Belle

November 1, 2013
By PotterHead2 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
PotterHead2 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
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Favorite Quote:
The only escape from the miseries of life are music and cats. - Albert Schweitzer

Andrew Belle's past albums have been very vocal albums. His voice is carried strongly throughout each track making it very noticed. His most recent album BLACK BEAR was released on August 20, 2013. Unlike his other albums, Belle has drifted from the Alternative Rock that he started off with and has gone more dreamy Indie Pop, which suits him amazingly. Belle has a very relaxed and almost lazy voice that makes this album all the more capturing. BLACK BEAR is less vocal than any of his other albums. His voices comes on almost as a whisper, making it a focal point in the songs. The Album starts off with "Dark Matter", it is fast paced with phenomenal instrumentals and fascinating lyrics. "Enemy", the eight track in the album, is very similar to "Dark Matter". It has an intriguing beat and mood to it.
Belle is known to have a dysphoric melodies in his songs, which he added in various songs including "Black Bear", it holds a very calm and slow tempo with piano softly in the background. Many other songs on this album produce different sounds, all adding into this brilliant album.
Andrew certainly did not do wrong to stray from his former genre. This new sounds compliments his voice and simple lyrics. BLACK BEAR is definitely, without doubt, a success for him.

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