Helmet - Betty | Teen Ink

Helmet - Betty MAG

By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   "Betty," by Helmet, is perfect. The CD has alot of good stuff on it; the band has changed a little from hard metal to a mixof metal, blues, jazz and funk. The CD includes crazy funk bass beats andexcellent drumming complemented by awesome, jazzy, funk guitar.

A goodsong, "The Silver Hawaiian," starts out with a funny growl that letsyou know the song is going to be a little weird. Then the bass starts in. Thesong is mostly the bass guitar and drums, with guitar in the background makingcool sound effects that totally go with the song and make it even better. It'ssung in a low weird voice, and the lyrics are just plain odd.

The albumisn't new, but I think it is one of Helmet's best. It's unique because the leadsinger changes his style from song to song. The funniest song is "Biscuitsfor Smut," about biscuits that are so bad no one will eat them. It has agood blend of bass and guitar that sounds like a classic alternative rock song.The voice is synthesized with a tube that runs alongside the microphone toanother microphone. It goes well with the lyrics and the song as a whole."Betty" is good because of its variety.


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i love this so much!