Beastie Boys | Teen Ink

Beastie Boys MAG

By Anonymous

   "A waste of money." I've heard this anumber of times about the recent Beastie Boys concert, and Iagree. Touring for their new album, "Hello Nasty,"the Boys had limited play time. They were only on stage for ahalf hour, and offered no encore. Few songs were played fromtheir popular 1986 release, "Licensed to Ill;"instead they drowned the fans in songs from their new album.Fans threw bottles and toilet paper on stage because of theirpoor performance and sad audio.

The highlight of theshow was the opening band Rancid and the performance of theirhit song "Time Bomb." This one song was not worththe $28 I spent on the ticket. The Beastie Boys better changetheir concert format or they will be playing in front of emptystadiums.


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i love this so much!