The Office | Teen Ink

The Office

February 19, 2020
By foodog14 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
foodog14 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Office is a comedy tv series that shows the life of a paper company called Dunder Mifflin. The Office is filmed like a documentary. When you start off with the first episode you get this feeling The relationships between the office characters strengthen over the season’s you see friendships form and special bonds. Over the course of the seasons you notice how the characters interact with each other and soon build relationships. The Office is a tv series that you want to just keep watching and watching over and over again till you know every detail. The Office also has its points where it can be boring but if you keep watching it will get better. like you are in the company along with all of the other employees. The Office sometimes travels between the corporate office and the Scranton branch and some of the other branches. 

Steve Carrol plays the role of Michael, the office manager, but he is not any manager. He is a manager that plays 50% of the day and then 49.99% of critical thinking and .1% is actually spent working. Jim Halpert played by John Krasinksi is the paper salesman with a crush on the receptionist Pam Beasley played by Jenna Ficher. Over time Pam and Jim get to know each other and become close friends. Dwight Schrute is the office’s lead salesman and self-defense master. Dwight is played by Ryan Willson. Jim pranks Dwight almost in every episode. Jim jams Dwight's desks wraps his desk in wrapping paper, gets an Asian Jim to make it look like Jim was Asian the whole time Dwight just didn't notice.

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