Avatar the Last Airbender Review | Teen Ink

Avatar the Last Airbender Review

May 24, 2022
By Anonymous

When you think of a cartoon, what do you think of? Something kids watch? something with no substance, just jokes? or perhaps a show or movie made to entertain children? Well, after watching Avatar the Last Airbender, you will never think of cartoons the same way again. 

Avatar the Last Airbender premiered on Nickelodeon in 2005. I was born in 2004 and have been watching Avatar for as long as I can remember. When Avatar was put on Netflix I was overjoyed; I could watch my favorite show whenever I wanted.Since Avatar was released on Netflix in May of 2020, the series stayed in Netflix’s top ten for 61 days beating a record previously made by Ozark.

Imagine the world is divided into four elemental nations: The Northern and Southern Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. Some people within the nations have the ability to bend their element. The Avatar is the most powerful, having the ability to master all four of the elements and  The Avatar’s job is to maintain peace between the four nations so everyone can live in harmony. 

The main story follows Aang, a 12-year old boy that has been trapped in an iceberg for 100 years. Waking up from the iceberg he has no idea that the world he knows is gone and is at war. Aang has already mastered Air bending since he was born to the Air Nomads. Over the course of the three season show Aang learns to master water, earth, and fire, as he travels the world to do so, and making friends along his journey to restore balance and peace by defeating the firelord who wants to take over all of the nations. A majority of the characters are teenagers who have a responsibility to help Aang master the elements while fighting a war they’ve inherited. Zuko who is the son of the firelord got banished from the firenation and is set on capturing the avatar to restore his honor. But in doing so he risks his own sense of right and wrong. The water tribe sibling Sokka and Katara who found aang have had both of their parents taken by the war. Their mother died in a fire nation raid on their village and their father has been away for years batteling the firenation. 

Most cartoons these days have weak plotlines that are unoriginal and boring, but With ATLA, this is not the case. ATLA has an ongoing plot that doesn’t only keep viewers interested and entertained, it keeps them on their toes never knowing what to expect. For example, Usually cartoons and shows in general will have different problems that end up being resolved at the end of each season. With ATLA there is one main objective and goal, that is defeating the fire lord/nation, but there is also a different plot and problem in each episode while still having every episode contribute to the main focus of the story. 

Not only does the show do a good job with storytelling but also with the real life lessons taught throughout the show. Sokka is the only member in “team avatar” that doesn’t have any bending abilities. Throughout the show he learns that he has useful skills too. Between using his trusty boomerang, his cotagraphy skills, or his undeniable humor he finds that his talents are helpful to the team too even if he can’t bend any elements. Uncle Iroh who is always a fan favorite is uncle to prince zuko and helps him on his journey to reclaiming his honor. Uncle Iroh was once the fire nation’s top general, he was known for his invasion of the earth kingdom capital Ba Sing Se. Uncle Iroh had a son that also fought for the fire nation and ended up dying. Uncle Iroh saw that war killed the thing he loved the most and doesn’t want zuko to go down the same path. Uncle Iroh has to learn from his past to help the people he loves no make the same mistakes he did. 

Avatar the Last Airbender is filled with so many quick quips, intense action and lessons that can pertain to anyone that watches. I encourage anyone who’s reading this to give Avatar the Last Airbender a chance. Please watch and ask yourself the questions again. When you think of a cartoon, what do you think of? Something kids watch? something with no substance, just jokes? or perhaps a show or movie made to entertain children? I guarantee that your answers will not be the same. 

The author's comments:

Avatar the Last Airbender is my favorite show and I wanted to review it and hopefully make others want to watch it. 

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Minus said...
on Dec. 5 2024 at 4:39 pm
Minus, Morse, Louisiana
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Favorite Quote:
We have to be visible. We should not be ashamed of who we are. -Marsha P. Johnson

I LOVE AVATAR SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM ALREADY REWATCHING IT FOR THE 3RD TIME!!!!!!!