Revenge | Teen Ink


January 29, 2014
By MissAnonymous BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
MissAnonymous BRONZE, Alpharetta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - Buddha

Upon looking at my numerous social network accounts and people outright asking me, "What's the best TV show to watch?", I decided to take the liberty in telling you all. Personally, I am very picky in choosing what I watch on television and Netflix. I do not prefer the supernatural TV shows like Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf, nor do I prefer the anxiety provoking ones like the Walking Dead or Prison Break. So, if you are like me in that way, Revenge is the perfect TV series for you! The TV show's plot, like the name suggests, is all about a young woman's revenge against the most notorious and wealthiest family in the Hamptons: The Graysons. When she was little, Emily Thorne (whose original name is Amanda Clarke) underwent a heartbreaking tragedy when her father, David Clarke, was framed for terrorism. Now before I go on, there are many people that you first must know:
(These are the main people, these aren't everyone)
1. Jack Porter: Amanda's childhood crush and present Emily's secret lover.
2. Conrad Grayson: CEO of Grayson Global and mastermind in the framing of David Clarke.
3. Victoria Grayson: Wife to Conrad. Known as the most intimidating and wealthiest woman in the Hamptons. She had an affair with David Clarke, which was the primary reason why Conrad framed him.
4. Daniel Grayson: Son of the Grayson's and soon Emily's love interest, who she uses in her plan of revenge.
5. Charlotte Grayson: Daughter of the Grayson's and Emily's (Amanda's) half- sister. Victoria conceived Charlotte with David.
6. The real Emily Thorne: The most confusing character to explain. Before Amanda Clarke changes her name to Emily, she was in Juvenile Detention for setting fire to her Foster Mother's house (which she was framed for as well). She met Emily Thorne there who became the closest thing to her sister. They switched names so Amanda could pursue her plan of revenge.
7. Nolan Ross: Computer genius and CEO of NoleCorp. Helps Emily with her plan of revenge and becomes her closest friend.

Continuing on the plot of the TV show, David Clarke was framed by The Graysons and the Initiative, a secret group that pretty much destroys your life. After extensive research on Emily's (Amanda's) part, Emily finally realizes that her father is innocent, even after being told her whole life in foster care that he wasn't. After the new identity of Emily Thorne is created, she moves back to the Hamptons where her childhood house was, conveniently next to the Grayson Manor. Emily, who takes on the role of an innocent, yet mysterious figure, captures the attention of the Graysons in a heartbeat. Throughout each episode, Emily finds a new person involved in the framing of her father to destroy. Whether it be the judge who sentenced him, or the people who told lies about him on the witness stand. Of course, her prime targets are the Graysons and the Initiative.

The best part about Revenge is that it's open to all audiences. Parents can watch it, teenagers can watch it, and children can watch it (probably above the age of 10). Proof: my dad watches it with me every time it comes on. Speaking of, you can watch the first two seasons on Netflix. If you don't own one, I'm sure they have it on HuLu+, DVD, iTunes, etc. I've even found full episodes for free online. The third season is currently airing on ABC, so the third season will be on Netflix after it ends. Each seasons contains 20+ episodes, each episode lasting for almost an hour, so you will be busy! Get ready to get addicted.

The author's comments:
People have been asking me what are good TV shows, and this is the first that comes to my mind. Everyone who I've recommended this to has not been disappointed. Even guys love it!

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