Dexter | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Cristian Rodriguez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
Cristian Rodriguez BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

TV Show Review

The TV Show Dexter takes you through a life as a serial killer as he tries to fit into the world and keep his gruesome secret from those closest to him. Dexter is filled with action, drama, love, and passion. This is a roller-coaster ride of show that will leave you speechless countless times throughout the entire series. The show, Dexter, is eight seasons long with anywhere from 10-15 episodes each season with each episode being around 42 minutes in length. Dexter has a excellent cast of actors and has high qualities special effects. This show reaches out to all types of audiences and will be enjoyable for multiple age groups.

The TV series Dxter is all about the life of the main character Dexter Morgan. He is a blood spatter analyst at Miami Metro and he is in charge of analyzing the blood of the crime scenes and deducing what happened. He is excellent at his job but he has a mysterious and dark secret. He is overly interested in blood because he is a serial killer. He was taught a code by his father to only kill people who deserve to die by committing crimes and get away with them. Dexter has two lives essentially, he is living a regular life just like anyone else and also has a life as a serial killer. He considers himself a monster and not human but through his experience he learns how to be human and live a normal life. Throughout the series he learns about his dark past, secrets about the people he loves, how to be a husband and father, and continues to kill people when he pleases.

I highly recommend this TV show to anyone who loves action, adventure and unexpected twists. I could not stop watching Dexter that I finished the entire series in about 2 months. If you are looking for a TV show to watch that you will enjoy, Dexter is the show for you.

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