Warzone: The Ultimate Test | Teen Ink

Warzone: The Ultimate Test

April 30, 2020
By N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
N-Tiahnybik SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dropping down with 149 other players, the task ahead seems daunting. It is up to you to scavenge buildings and collect the best guns and protection as possible. From there, strategy is key when having to deal with opposing enemies. It’s going to take time and effort to win,

Overall, I enjoy Warzone and the challenges that it brings. But like any game, there are pros and cons.

A pro related to this game is the pure excitement and adrenaline it brings. Fighting other enemies and surviving until end game is quite the thrill, and any gamer will realize this once they start playing. Another pro in this game is the level of strategy that comes with it. Unlike fortnite where you can build instantly, you have to be sure to know where cover is in case you get shot. 

On the flip side, the issue with this game is the lag that comes with 150 people being in the same server. Unless you have a hard wired connection, it is typical to experience some lag while playing. From my personal experience, this lag can be bad from time to time, but it is usually manageable. I’d recommend investing in some high-quality wifi! 

So if you are a gamer like I am, I would definitely start playing Warzone as it is one of the best games I’ve ever played. From it’s concoction of an intense battle royal and endless variety of weapons, the game is top-notch, and I’d highly recommend you start playing.  

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