SMITE on PC | Teen Ink


October 28, 2014
By timaeusTestified BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
timaeusTestified BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh boy its SMITE. This game is great. It has sweet controls and a great design to it. In this page of radical opinions I tell you why SMITE is either the best game ever or terrible in every way. Seriously though this is like my favorite game this stuff is coming straight from the heart. I’ve played my fair share of this game I’m totally legit. I’m talking 2 years or so of me religiously playing this game about violent polytheism. If you’re unaware with this game and you most likely are the broad way of describing it is a strategy third person WASD control type game. Similar controls to most MMO games like World of Warcraft and all that good stuff. It’s a game about gods from multiple polytheistic cultures fighting with their own special moves. You also need to buy items to make your fighter stronger throughout the match with gold you earn by killing tiny soldiers called minions or creeps. Now you know the basics so lets dive right in.

Things I hate about SMITE… O.K so you know how in some games like mortal kombat or street fighter or a lot of other games with character selection there is usually a few really weak or really strong people? This is usually only a minor flaw. BUT. In SMITE it’s the worst part of the game. For example a wonderful god named He Bo god of the yellow river, a chinese god. He’s awful. Fighting one of these head on is like pulling teeth. Painful and it will eventually happen to you regardless. Most gods excluding tanks have around 1300-2000 health or hit points or whatever you call them. He Bo has three moves and an ultimate move. Move one he shoots water from his hands around 800-1000 damage if you’re building the right items which most He Bo’s will. But here’s the kicker. He Bo’s third move shoots water from the ground knocking you upwards dealing around the same damage as the first move. So say you have 1800 health. He Bo knocks you up hitting an 800 and before you even hit the ground to run he casually uses his first move to either kill you or get you low enough to kill with anything else.
Or he’ll just use his dumb ultimate that does around 1000-1200 damage possibly a one hit kill. Or maybe lets step over to Mercury the roman messenger god. His whole deal is he’s really fast. He’ll usually throw punches at about 2 hits per second. Guess what. He’s REALLY over powered so his punches can get up to around 1000 damage per hit. Punch Punch dead. These gods are littered all over the game and although they are heavily frowned upon people just can’t help but pick them. As long as they win right? Wrong. I hate these people.
Anyway lets move on to why I play this game all day every day. This game has a pretty sweet leveling system. The maximum level is 30 where around 80% of the community currently resides. But they add this so people who lack experience in the game don’t get paired up with a bunch of veteran level 30’s and just get creamed. It helps people learn to play by trial and error. In the beginning it’s mostly practicing builds and getting acquainted with the controls and gods. I should mention not all gods are available if you don’t buy or earn them. Ah! Earning rewards another thing I love about SMITE. Some games offer perks to those who donate or use microtransactions, but thats greedy nonsense. SMITE on the other hand allows the player to earn “favor” a type of currency in game, as they play more for winning but still when they lose. Favor can be spent on new gods to use, new costumes for owned gods, voice packs, ward skins, icons, even some in game help like re-rolling on a random-select god game type. It gives the player a feeling of accomplishment. Like they aren’t wasting their life playing this dumb game they’ll never be the best at. They are but at least now with all this cool new stuff we can feel good about it.

All in all I’d have to give this game my solid two thumbs up, 10/10, five stars, whatever. This game is great, I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. I would recommend this game to anyone who has a decent computer with a mouse and maybe 4-5 free hours a day. I just stay up late myself but hey don’t take my advice what do i know I play Kali. If you want to understand the reference download the game, it’s free it’s fun it’s a trap. Once you start you can’t go back. It’s like sticking your finger in a soda cup lid at McDonalds. Don’t understand? Try it. That feeling, thats SMITE. It’s been nice people but I gotta go. AN ALLY HAS LEFT THE GAME. [VVGG] Good Game!

The author's comments:

If you play mercury hebo freya or kali i dont suggest you read this

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