The Land of Characters | Teen Ink

The Land of Characters

January 4, 2016
By Anonymous

It was October 31. Halloween. I was as excited for it as a twelve year old girl can get for this holiday. This year I was dressing up as the Queen of Hearts. At 5:30 I go downstairs to eat dinner. My mom has made some delicious tacos shaped as ghosts. I eat them in front of the television and watch a Halloween movie. Once it becomes 6:30 I realize I have to get ready for tonight. I rush upstairs and get my costume out of my closet. I put on my white tight with red hearts going don the sides. Next I put on my frilly, silky dress. Lastly I put barrel curls in my hair and put on the headband that look like a crown. I examine myself in the mirror and I think I look perfect.
My friends come over at 7:00pm and we get ready to go out. The cold, crisp wind felt like ice on my legs, but I ignored it. I was having too much fun with my friends to go inside. We go to the first house and ring to doorbell. A old lady answers it and looks at our costumes. She says to me," Well you certainly look exactly like the Queen of Hearts!" " Thank you." I say. Just then a gust of ice cold wind appears and a big portal opens to a land of colors. Three giant cards come out and say," Now we finally have the Queen of Hearts." They grab my arms and drag me into the portal leaving my friends behind.
The giant cards drag me to a huge castle that is all shades of red. I am led into a ball room and sat down on a thrown. There are at least about thirty cards bowing down to me. I say," Why are you bowing down?" "My Queen, have you gone mad! You are the Queen of Hearts, we always have to bow down to you. Unless you are an imposter...then we would banish you to a far away place in Wonderland." says one of the cards. Not wanting to be lost forever I play along and pretend to be the Queen of Hearts. I ask," So what do you want with me?" The card in the back replies," We have to open another storybook portal." Storybook portal? I must be in one of them now. Maybe the Wonderland portal? But there is no one mad here. I say," What do we have to do?" " We have to go into the human world and retrieve a hatter outfit." says another card. "This should be easy." I think," I just have to go to the costume store buy a hatter outfit and then go and see my friends and put all of this behind me. "Let go to the human world!" I declare and the cards follow me there.
Once we get to my world I say," Go and make sure no one see me going into the magic outfit store." Really I am just going into party city and buying a hatter outfit. I come out with it and the card explain the next step. "Now you have to put on the outfit and sneak into the potions shop in Sleeping Beauty Land and steal the mad potion." a red ace says. Steal something? I've never done that before. But I will do what ever it takes to get back to my friends. We arrive in Sleeping Beauty Land with me dressed as a hatter. The cards sneak me over, unseen to the potions shop. It is closed. Good. This will make my job much easier. I climb in through the window and land on the green carpet. I search every shelf for the mad potion. Finally I find a mysterious dark purple liquid. Sure enough it said "Mad Potion." I grab it and climb back out the window. The cards were overjoyed hen they saw me. They run with me back to our portal, but one of the cards bump me and some potion spills on me. I wipe it off and run.
When we arrive back in the palace I feel funny. A bit jittery. I say," What's next?" The leader of the cards takes the mad potion and sets it on a pedestal. A portal opens. It looks like a portal to a old cottage somewhere far in the woods of Wonderland. I ask," Why did you want to open this portal." The jitters I had was uncontrollable. I felt a little mad." Feeling a little mad are we?" says the leader of the cards. I just stand there because if I try to speak it is just mad talk." You know 'Queen', I knew you were not the real Queen from the start. So I told you what happens to imposters and you still did not admit to it. So I was playing you all along. The real plan was to make you get the mad potion for us and to banish you to the cottage, but you somehow got mad potion on you. I knew a character was missing from our land and it turns out you are one. You're a mad hatter." I can't speak. Two cards grab me and throw me into the portal." Have a mad time in there!" says the leader and shuts the portal. So know I can't go home and I am the mad hatter forever. I should of stayed home.

The author's comments:

I like to take stories and put a twist to this. In this specific piece I was inspired by the Alice in Wonderland story. I put some mystery and action into it to make it appealing to the reader.

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