No Title | Teen Ink

No Title

October 24, 2017
By brookeg37 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
brookeg37 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the top of tomorrow waits the scorching sun peaking
through the open cracks of the window.
I think to myself oh what some wonderful land,
but then the wind rushes past me and knocks me to my hands.
I fall to the ground, to see the new idea that rushed through my fingertips,
It was like the pie I’ve been wanting to have.
I sprouted up like a flower in the spring.
I ran and got up to tell everyone the plan,
then they all said “we got this in the can”.
We all got up to gaze at the stars,
a star sounded like the brightness of the sunrise on a summer morning.
It soon became chaotic and not much fun.
When I tiptoed through the Valley of Happiness, I found out what could it could be,
if it was just me.


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