The Attack | Teen Ink

The Attack

May 13, 2016
By BrookeJones BRONZE, Lafayette , Colorado
BrookeJones BRONZE, Lafayette , Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Daniel Burkley lived with his best friend and dog Okie on the 12th floor in an apartment in the center of Chicago. Daniel had recently moved to Chicago looking to begin his career as a computer scientist. Before moving to Chicago, Daniel and Okie lived in Kansas in a small town of only around 800 people. Okie being a country dog had a lot of trouble staying in such a small space for long periods of the day making Daniel have to bring her to the local park only a couple blocks away very often. Even Daniel had trouble staying in his new apartment and was happy to get Okie out as often as possible.

When Okie was a puppy, she became very protective of Daniel and would make an attempt to attack anyone who could be a potential threat. She would even attack his mother when she would come home late from work thinking she was breaking into the house trying to hurt Daniel. Getting strong criticism from the rest of the town who were fed up with the constant wild behavior from their dog, Daniel and his family spent a number of their hours teaching Okie to lay down when confronted by a stranger even if it may seem a like the person may cause harm in that small town there wasn’t much of a threat. Now in Chicago, Daniel was confronted by many different people every day and Okie being so good with her training would lie down and wait until the small conversation between her owner and the stranger was over and continue her walk.
One day a big man wearing a Hawaiian button up shirt approached and Okie lost i. She pulled rom Daniels grip on the leash and hurled her full weight at the man. Taken off guard the man took the hit and fell to the side of the sidewalk onto the grass. Okie grabbed his ankle with her wet jaws and sunk her teeth deep into the man’s tissue. Danil acted quickly, because he had had to numerous times back in Kansas, and grabbed Okie by the scruff slapped her muzzle as hard as he could sending Okie to the ground. Daniel tied Okie to a tree and ran over to the man who was now cursing and holding his ankle which was now soaked in blood. “That goddamn dog better have a rabies shot,” The man said.
“I am so so sorry sir,” Daniel said while grabbing the man’s arms and pulling him to his feet.
“The cut isn’t too deep so I should be ok,” the man exclaimed taking hold of a nearby bench, “you wouldn’t be surprised how many times this happens to me, I guess my elegant physique freaks dogs out or something.”
Letting out a forced laugh, Daniel apologized once more to the man, untied Okie and continued their walk. Cursing under his breath Daniel kept his head down until they reached their apartment and began to scold his old dog for doing such a thing. By the way Okie coward into the corner of her kennel Daniel knew she had enough of his rage and decided to go to his room and finish a big assignment he had due the next day. The day went on and Daniel stayed glued to his desk writing down new codes he could use in his design and fixing the ones that didn’t work. Taking little breaks to get water and the occasional snack Daniel payed no attention  to Okie who seemed to have been left in her kennel my mistake.
It had been five hours since Daniel had left the confinement of his room when he began to hear Okie whimper from the other room. He decided it had been a long time since he had a break so he went to go check it out. Okie had made a huge mess destroying her toy tiger that Daniel had put in her cage to give her company when she was in time out. “Oh God of course I forget to let you out of the kennel I am so sorry Okie!” Daniel said while unlatching the hooks which bound the kennel door closed.
Once released, Okie rushed to the front door and began scratching at the handle. It was now coming close to eleven at night so the moon was already set in its spot in the middle to the sky. Daniel had remembered something someone had told him when he had first moved to Chicago, they said something like, “Don’t go out past midnight because you never know who's lurking around the corner.”
It was only 10:53 so he thought it would be safe to take Okie out for one more much needed walk for both of them before the dead hour.  Grabbing Okie’s harness and leash they both headed down to the ground floor. Daniel had never been out later than seven and it was a diferent place. No one walked the streets like they did earlier that day so Daniel wasn’t too scared Okie would act out against another person. They continued their walk down the regular path once they came to a group of people standing in a huddle on the other side of the street. Hoping they hadn’t seen him, Daniel veered off of his safe path and decided to go right instead. He had never been down this road before but it was one to see. It had coffee shop upon coffee shop all lined up and the occasional breakfast lunch hot spot. As they walked, Daniel took in all of the new shop names and locations trying not to forget so he could come back the next day and check them out.
He decided they had had enough and took the next right hoping it would bring them back to Star Street where his building was. When out of nowhere a man stepped in front of Daniel and Okie. He was wearing a raggedy black vest with torn up denim jeans and a black cowboy hat. “Howdy,” said the stranger while looking Daniel and Okie from toe to head, “what are you two up to this fine evening?”
Daniel didn’t know what to do. He sensed this man was up to no good but he had them cornered and Daniel knew they weren’t getting out of this one. “Just taking my dog for a walk now will you excuse us?” Daniel said as he made an attempt to step past the man but all the man did was step the same way and said, “Now where do you think you’re going young man.”
Now Daniel was scared. The man had no intention of a nice talk but he definitely wanted something. Slowly the man took something out of his pocket. It was a shiny silver that gleamed in the street lights. It was a gun. “Now I’m going to ask you once, I don’t want to hurt you but I will if you try anything too fancy,” The man said pointing his gun at Daniel’s gut.
Okie coward at the man slowly laying down at Daniel’s feet. “That’s a smart dog you got there son, don’t want to cause too much trouble here now give me the money.”
Of all the times in the world now was the only time he wanted Okie to rip that man’s arm o but instead she laid there resting her head on her front legs. “I’m not going to ask you again young lad, Give it to me,” the man said with more emotion than he had seen in him this whole time.
“Sir I left my wallet in my home I do not have any money for you I am truly sorry,” Daniel hoped this would work but the man didn’t buy it.
Okie could tell Daniel needed help but had learned it was bad to attack and instead decided to let out a loud bark. “What the hell!” The man said quickly firing his weapon right into Daniel’s lower abdomen.
  Daniel sank to his knees and layed on his back watching the man run into a dark alley across the street. Okie got up and started to lick Daniel’s face. All Daniel said before he drifted into eternal sleep was, “I’m sorry.”

The author's comments:

This story correlates with me because I have a dog that is super protective and I feel that taking all that part of her personality away could change my dog forever.

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