Dear Someone, | Teen Ink

Dear Someone,

September 21, 2018
By RubiMalvaes BRONZE, Wilmington, California
RubiMalvaes BRONZE, Wilmington, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Someone,

    The deepest secret lives in my heart, my love for you. I see you and it might seem like I don’t notice you, but I do.

    We are different from each other, from our personality to the music we listen to. I’m the type of person that doesn't like speaking to almost anyone and you are the type of person that talks to everyone. But this is one of the reasons why I like you because I love your personality. Our music choice is different too, you like Logic while I like Ulices Chaidez. But even though we have different likes, I still like you and I have since sophomore year and now we are seniors.

     I wish I could work up the courage to just go up to you and have a conversation.  But I haven't gotten the courage to do so and I don’t know if it will ever occur.

     I see you in a light that even your flaws are flawless.

    Some things that I like about you are your blue braces, your brown eyes, your voice, and especially your laugh (just thinking about it makes me smile).

     But I know that you will never see me in the same light that I see you.



The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this letter because of the new movie and the novel  "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" by Jenny Hann. 

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