Memory's Ghost | Teen Ink

Memory's Ghost

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

I sat there with my eyes closed, trying to remember every detail about her. How hard was it though? I could never forget the first time I saw her--my angel. Those red, wavy locks balancing delicately over her shoulders, framing her porcelain face, allowing those exotic green eyes to stand out. You could see them from a mile away. But all that was nothing compared to her beautiful smile. That smile could light up a room in an instant. Oh, how I missed my dear--

“Ray? Are you awake?” a voice said. The voice had a soft, gentle tone to it, as if it were a lullaby- so soothing.

My eyes opened in a flash, breaking me from my trance. I looked up to see a stunningly beautiful face staring back at me. Her white hair resembled starlight, and the wrinkles on her face indicated that she lived a happy life. I looked into her eyes, the sweetest I have ever seen. A sudden feeling of nostalgia rushed over me.

I examined the white walls surrounding me. There were odd, robotic boxes next to me making unusual noises. Some were beeping, others buzzing. Besides a few balloons and flowers, we were the only two in the room. Finally, I found my voice, “Where am I? Who are you?”

“You’re in a hospital. My name is Jane. I am your nurse,” she responded, followed by a dazzling smile. “I brought you some breakfast,” Jane said. She was holding a blue tray that contained applesauce, water, juice, and a fruit cup. How filling.

After a couple of seconds, I became a little irritated. I had been enjoying my moment of solitude and bliss until she came in. “Well, do you think you could come another time? You’re taking me away from her,” I said, clearly annoyed.
Jane frowned at me, upset by my rude behavior. She looked around the room as if she was searching for someone, confusion spreading on her face. “Whom am I taking you from?” she asked.

“My dear angel,” I replied, swooning at the thought of her.

Jane smirked. “Oh? And what is your angel like?” she asked, although I had a feeling she already knew the answer to that question.

I looked at her, a soft smile spreading on my face. “She is the most beautiful person in the world. Her hair is like a fire, such a bright red, so full of life. Her sparkling emerald eyes can hypnotize you in a second,” I snapped my fingers, “like that.” The nurse giggled, entertained by me. “And I cannot resist those rosy lips of hers. So soft and plump.” I went on and on, caught in a daydream again. “She has a good sense of humor. She can always make me laugh, even when no one else can. Although she is a bit feisty, her gentleness overcomes that. A mixture of sour and sweet.” The woman glared a little at me, but I could tell she was amused. “I wish I could make her my wife,” I said solemnly.

The woman looked content, tears welling up in her eyes. Her face blushed, and she quickly turned away. “She sounds very nice, and she would definitely be lucky to call you her husband,” the woman said, her voice barely audible. A tear rolled down her face, but strangely, she seemed happy.

I turned to look out the window, observing the outside world. Why couldn’t I be out there? Why was I trapped in here? What even was this place? Confusion began settling over me.

“Where am I? Who are you?” I asked.

Those green eyes looked back at me. Her rosy lips peeled away, revealing that breath-taking smile.

“You’re in a hospital. My name is Jane. I am your lovely wife,” my angel replied.

The author's comments:
Whenever I go to my town library, I always see this one old man there. I've always been curious as to what his life was like and why he was always at the library. Using my imagination and love for romance, I decided to make up a short story with him as the main character.

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