The Rich Woman and the Poor Man | Teen Ink

The Rich Woman and the Poor Man

January 23, 2014
By pitbull_lover14 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
pitbull_lover14 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is nothing to fear but, fear itself.

A High School Student Production

(A prologue comes up on the screen with the Narrator speaking.)

(The narrator speaks.)

Narrator: In London, there once was a rich woman by the name of Janet Marielle. She was a woman in her 30s, brunette hair colored and was wealthy enough to do whatever she wanted and buy whatever she liked. Janet was known to be selfish and cruel though. Even her maids and butlers had rude things to say about her but, they never said anything to her. If they ever did try to, she promised to fire them by the fact that they needed the money. Rumor has it that nothing will make warm her cold heart.

(The narrator stops and the title appears then fades)

Scene 1: Meet for the First Time

(Lights go on)

(There is a woman sitting down in her chair and seems impatient)

Janet: (yelling impatiently) Maid! Where is my green tea?! You know I hate waiting!

Maid#1: (yelling nicely) I’ll be there in a minute.

Janet: You better and not a minute less.

(The maid comes with a cup of tea and a small bowl of sugar)

Maid#1: Her go madam.

Janet: (relief) Finally. What took you so long?

Maid#1: (quickly explaining) Well, the stove was taking a while to heat up the water and…

Janet: (interrupting) Yes, yes. I get it. Just go back in the kitchen and don’t bother me.

Maid#1: Yes ma’am.

(The maid goes back into the kitchen disappointed)

(All of a sudden, there’s a knock at the door)

Janet: (annoyed) Will someone get the door?

Butler#1: Yes madam.

(The butler opens the door and there is a stranger who looks in his 30s at the door with a bucket that said “Help the Less Fortunate”)

Stranger: Hello. My name is David Scott. I’m with the salvation for the less fortunate. I the owner of this home here?

Butler#1: Just a minute. In the meantime, will you come in?

David: Sure. Thank you.

(David enters and looks around with amazement while the butler goes over to Janet.)

Butler#1: (gently) Madam, there is a stranger who wishes to speak with you.

Janet: Very well then.

(Janet gets up and walks toward David who looks at her with great welcome.)

Janet: Well, you are?

David: (stuttering) Oh, oh. M-My name i-is D-David Sc-Scott.

(Janet notices his nervousness and scowls)

Janet: I don’t have time for this. What is it?

David: (gathering himself) Well, I’m with the less fortunate salvation where we help the less fortunate and I was wondering if you would like to donate cash?

(Janet looks at him with concern)

Janet: (rejecting) I will not. Now goodbye.

David: (desperate) Wait! You would really be helping out a worthy cause! Please!

Janet: (determine) I shall not. Even if the world was on it’s knees begging. Now leave!

David: (disappointed) Fine then. But, just let you know. You are disappointing an entire community.

(David then leaves with a sad mood as he leaves through the door.)

Janet: Well now that that is over. I shall continue with what I was doing.

(Janet walks back to her chair with no regrets)

Butler#1: (mumbling under his breathe) All that selfish brat had to do was give away a little money for a good cause.

(The butler walks away with anger.)

(Lights fades)

Scene 2: The Note

(Lights go on)

(The maids and butlers gather around talking about something)

Maid#1: (angry) That selfish woman wouldn’t let me explain myself.

Butler#1: (angry) That woman is rude and doesn’t know how to be kind and caring.

Maid#2: (angry) I have done many challenging tasks for her and does she say thank you. No!

Butler#2: (angry) Plus, never has she said PLEASE ever!

(Then, a maid speaks with a clever voice)

Maid#1: (smart) Guys, I have an idea.

Butler#2: (curious) Well, don’t leave us with curiosity and tell us.

Maid#1: People say that love can warm a person and change their ways.

Maid#2: One problem. How do we do this and who do we set her up with?

Butler#1: (suggesting) Well, that young fellow, David Scott seemed to have interest in her. And not in a friendly way. More of romantic to me.

Maid#2: Then, it’s settled. We’re going to set them up and soon we’ll be seeing change in Miss Marielle in no time.

All of them: Okay.

Maid#1: (scared) Miss Marielle is awake. Quickly back your places.

(They all leave as Janet comes down the stairs.)

(She looks at the maids as they stare at her.)

Janet: (concerned) What are you staring at?

Maid#1 & Maid#2: Nothing madam.

Janet: Alright then.

(Janet walks to the dining room and waits for her breakfast.)

Butler#2: Here you go madam.

(The butler places her breakfast of french toast and egg whites with cooked sausages. Plus, a cup of ginger tea.)

(Before could eat, she saw a small envelope next to breakfast.)

Janet: (curious) Well, what is this?

(She opens it and reads a letter)

Janet: (reading) Dear Janet, I have seen you for before and even though I don’t know you, I was wondering if you were to meet me at the Green Light park today at 10:00. Sincerely, your Secret Admirer.

(Janet looks at the letter with such devotion and interest)

Janet: (determined) I need to know who this is and I must meet him immediately.

(The maid comes over to spy on Janet and so does the butler)

Maid#1: Is there anything I can get you madam?

Janet: (shocked) Oh. Maid, grab my coat from the closet and wait for me at the door.

Maid#1: Yes ma’am. With pleasure.

(Janet goes upstairs to get ready for her admirer)

Maid#1: (whispering) Good job with the letter.

Butler#2: That letter wasn’t from me.

Maid#1: (shocked and whispering) If it wasn’t from you, then who was it from?

Butler#2: I found it in the mail.

Maid#1: (shocked) Really? Someone is actually interested in her? Well, that works too.

(The maid walks toward the door to wait for Janet)

(30 minutes later, Janet shows up in a lovely gown for a walk in the park)

Maid#1: (relieved and mumbling) Finally. What took her so long?

Janet: What was that?

Maid#1: Oh nothing. Enjoy your time.

Janet: (happy) Oh I will.

(Janet leaves through the door and gets into a cab and the maid closes the door)

Maid#1: (worried) I sure hope that this works out.

(Light fades and the maid walks away)

Scene 3: Face to Face

(Lights go on)

(We open up in a park where there is a beautiful pond and a bench near by. Janet then finally arrives and she sits down on the bench waiting.)

Janet: (worried) I hope he comes.

(All of a sudden, a man shows in a brown coat and hat covering his faec with a box and a rose. He walks toward Janet.)

Janet: Oh hello. Don’t act weird but, do you happen to be my secret admirer?

David: (boldly) Yes.

Janet: (curious) Who are you?

(David puts down the box and rose, takes off his hat and looks at Janet with romance in his eyes)

David: I’m David. David Scott.

(Janet looks at him with such shock)

Janet: (shocked) Y-You! The one who came to my house yesterday talking about charity for a salvation.

David: (admitting) Yes. That is me.

(Janet gets up and walks away with such anger but, David grabs her hand and pulls her back. he looks into her eyes and begins to speak)

David: (romantically and begging) Janet is it? I know this may come as a shocker to you but, I really do have feelings for you. That day. When I saw you, all I could think was how do I make such a beautiful women become mine. You may think that I’m trying to fool you but, my feelings toward are no false act. I really do love you Janet and I want to know. Will give me a chance?

(Janet looks at him. She first looks at him with anger but, then something in her said what she thought that she would never hear. Janet grabs his other hand, holds it close and says something incredible.)

Janet: (happy) I will David Scott.

David: Thank you Janet.

(David and Janet walk out of the park, holding hands and looking at each other.)

(Light fades)

(Light go on.)

(At 10:00 pm, the maids and butlers meet in the living room babbling about Janet and her secret admirer)

Maid#1: (curious) I wonder who is this secret admirer?

Maid#2: (guessing and dreaming) I wonder if he’s strong and cute.

Butler#1: (guessing) I hope he’s smart and clever.

Butler#2: (guessing) I hope he’s a ladies man.

Maid#2: (annoyed) Really? If he’s that type of man then, I suggest that he’s no good.

Butler#2: (annoyed) Are you serious? Well,...

(They all hear brakes screeching and they all run like to mice.)

(Janet comes in with a big smile and holding a rose)

Maid#1: Miss Marielle, how was your rendezvous with your mystery man?

Janet: (smiling) It..was...magical!

Maid#1: So, who was it?

Janet: It was the young, handsome man who showed up yesterday.

(The maid gasps with such amazement)

Maid#1: (nosy) You mean Mr. David Scott?

Janet: (happy) Mmm hmmm.

(Another maid show up)

Maid#2: (curious) Are you ok madam?

Janet: (in love) Yes. If you excuse me, I’m going to my bedroom. Good night ladies.

(Janet goes up the stairs and smells the rose.)

Maid#2: (whispering to Maid#1) What is wrong with Janet?

Maid#1: She’s in love.

(Lights fade as the maids walk away chuckling)

Scene 5: The New Janet

(Lights go on and we open up with the maids chatting near the stairs)

Maid#1: So, I told him if you think that a ladies man is a good influence then, you are…

(Janet starts walking down the stairs in her morning wear)

Maid#1 & Maid#2: Morning madam.

Janet: Oh, morning girls. How are you two?

Maid#1 & Maid#2: Fine.

Janet: Good. One of you go prepare my tea, please?

(The maids mouths dropped to the floor. They couldn’t believe what Janet said.)

Maid#1: (shocked) O-Okay.

Janet: Alright then.

(Janet walks back upstairs to the bathroom and once she’s out of sight, the maids run into the kitchen.)

Maid#1: (excited) Guys, you won’t believe the most amazing thing happened not to long ago!

Butler#1: What happened?

Maid#2: (excited) Janet was polite!

Butler#2: (rejected) Get out of here.

Maid#2: It’s true. She said “One of you go prepare my tea, PLEASE!”

(The butlers looked at each other with such amazement)

Butler#2: Told you that it might happen. You now owe me $20.

Maid#1: What?

Butler#2: Oh. We’ll explain later.

Maid#2: Well, while you two chat, I have to get tea ready.

(Lights fade as the maid prepares the tea)

(Light goes on we open up in the living room. Janet is sitting in her chair as she sips her tea and all of a sudden, the phone rings.)

Janet: (answering the phone) Hello, Who is this?

David: (talking on the phone) It’s me, David.

Janet: Oh. How are you?

David: I’m fine. So, I was wondering if you would like to meet for lunch at the Cafe of the Finest?

Janet: Okay. Which cafe would that be?

David: It’s called “Cafe of the Finest”.

Janet: Oh. Okay.

David: See you at 12:00.

Janet: Bye.

(Janet and David hang up at the same time.)

Janet: (calling the maid) Maid.

Maid#2: Yes miss.

Janet: Could you please bring me my coat, purse and hat? Thank you.

(The maid looked at her with relief and went for her coat. The maid returns with her things and opens the door. Janet grabs her things and leaves out the door.)

Janet: Bye. And tell the staff that they can take it easy today.

Maid#2: Okay ma’am. Goodbye.

(Light fades as the maid closes the door.)

Scene 6: The Dilemma

(Lights go on and we open up with Janet sitting at a table outside of the cafe. Janet sits patiently waiting for David)

Janet: (patiently) Where is he?
(An employee who works at the cafe comes to Janet calling her inside.)

Janet: What is the problem?

Employee: There is someone on the phone wishing to talk to you.

(Janet takes the phone and speaks into it)

Janet: (talking on the phone) Hello?

David: (sadly answering) Janet? Look, I won’t be able to make it to our lunch date.

Janet: Why?

David: Something else came up and I have to handle it.

Female Stranger: (impatiently) David, aren’t you going to help me with my groceries?

Janet: (curious) Who is that?

David: No one.

Janet: David, are you somewhere else with another woman?

David: Uhhhh….

Janet: (crying slowly) Y-You are, aren’t you?

David: Yes, but I can explain. You see…

Janet: (crying with anger) I don’t want to hear it! I thought you loved me! I love you David and you are with someone else without me knowing! I thought that you could be the one person I could…

(Janet moves from the phone and hangs it up. She leaves crying out the door and calls a cab to come. The cabs arrives and drives away.)

(Light fades as the cab drives off.)

(Light goes on and we open with the maids cleaning the windows.)

Maid#1: So, would you bet if someone will fall in love with a stranger?

Maid#2: Well, it depends on how much money you bet.

Maid#1: (sarcastically) You are terrible.

Maid#2: Thank you.

(They hear a screech and they instantly know that Janet is back.)

Maid#2: She’s back.

Maid#1: Just act natural.

(The door opens, Janet comes in and she slams the door. She sinks down and cries. The maids come over and notices Janet crying.)

Maid#1: (worried) Janet? Are you okay?

Janet: (crying) D-D-David….H-He is ch-cheating on me with another!

(The maids look at each other with such great shock and try to comfort her)

Maid#1: We are so sorry Janet.

Janet: Thank you. You are so kind.

Maid#2: Come on Janet. Let’s make you some tea while you go to your room.

Janet: Okay. I shall be upstairs waiting.

(Janet walks up the stairs with such depression)

Maid#1: How could such a handsome man be such a lying cheater?

Maid#2: That’s how some men are. Glorious on the outside, but devious on the inside.

Maid#1: True.

(Light fades)

Scene 7: Happy Ever After

(Lights go on and we see Janet by herself reading a book in her room)
(The narrator speaks as she reads her book)

Narrator: It has been two weeks since she has seen and speak to David. Janet though seems to be handling it very well. She is always like reading and drinking tea. Plus, she has been actually polite to all of the staff. There hasn’t been any issues anymore. Everything is at peace, but she sometimes look from her balcony and thinks about David.

(The narrator stops speaking)

(One of the butlers call Janet and she comes toward the stairs)

Janet: (politely) Yes butler.

Butler#1: There is a stranger at the stairs who wishes to speak with you.

Janet: I’ll be down in a minute.

(Janet walks down the stairs with such grace and elegance. She spots a stranger that she hasn’t see in a while. It was David wearing a tuxedo and holding a small bouquet of roses. Janet looks at him such contempt. David comes toward her, grabs her hands and gets on one knee.)

David: Janet, I know that you don’t want me here right now, but I need to tell you something. You are the only person who can make me feel like myself. You are the flame inside my heart, the cure to my loneliness. Janet, will you please forgive me? The woman that you heard on the phone was my ex- wife. She needed help moving into her new apartment. Honest.

(Janet looks at him with tears in her eyes.)

Janet: (trying not to cry) So, she means nothing to you right?

David: Yes. Absolutely nothing.

Janet: Do you mean everything that you said about me?

David: Yes. All of it.

Janet: So, you think that you can say all these things to me and I’m suppose to forgive you?

David: Yes. So, what do you say?

(Janet takes a look at him and the staff of the mansion.)

Janet: (tearing and excited) Yes! A thousand times yes!

(David then got up and kisses Janet on her lips and they hug.)

(Light fades)

Epilogue: 13 months later

(Lights go on and we see the maids preparing a welcome party.)

Maid#1: Butlers raise the banner a little higher.

Butler#1 & Butler#2: We are.

(All of a sudden, there’s a screech of a cab.)

Maid#2: They’re coming. Everyone hide.

(The door opens and Janet and David walk in with their baby boy. Janet then looks up and sees a banner.)

Janet: What in the world?

Maid#1, Maid#2, Butler#1 & Butler#2: Surprise! Welcome home!

(Janet and David laugh with such enjoyment.)

Janet: Thank you everyone. You didn’t have to do all this for me.

Maid#1: Oh, but it was Mr. Scott’s idea.

Janet: (looking at David and speaking modestly) Oh, you.

(Janet gives David a kiss on the cheek)

Maid#2: (curious) Is it a boy or girl?

Janet: It’s a boy.

Butler#1: (curious) Did you decide on a name?

Janet: Yes we did.

David: It’s Tyler.

(The maids and butlers look at Tyler. Janet and David kiss.)

(Lights fade and the ending appears on the screen)

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece when I was thinking about what is the main cause of relationships and wha happens in one. Also, I hope that people will know that relationships can have troubles, but will resolve on it's own.

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