Just Say Something | Teen Ink

Just Say Something

December 1, 2014
By Ravenscroft16 BRONZE, Dunn, North Carolina
Ravenscroft16 BRONZE, Dunn, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit on the other side of the room…waiting.

You smile, you laugh, you frown. You never look my way.

I pick at the lint on my black skirt, my skirt as black as your stunning eyes. As black as your expressive eyebrows. As black as your buzzed hair.

Your voice fills my tangled mind, warms my fluttering heart. Your husky voice is a sweet song that I would put on eternal repeat. If only I could.

I swallow, my cheeks heating like oven burners. Like hot pokers. Like the sun dipping down into the dark horizon. Like fire.

Unknowingly, you are choking me, giving me a heart attack, sending sharp pains down my spine.

My tongue is frostbitten by your silence. It is too heavy to speak with.

If only you would say something, just something, to me. Say I’m pretty. Say I’m fat. Say I don’t seem intelligent. Say I’m an idiot for not talking with you.

Just say something.

Say you don’t think I’m worth your time.

Say you like me.

Either soothe my heart or shatter it. Bandage it or burn it. Love it or condemn it.

Just stop talking and say something.

For you are slowly killing me with every unspoken word.

The author's comments:

A deep look into the emotions of a girl who has strong feelings for a boy but is ignored. Taken from past experiences.

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