Under the Ocean | Teen Ink

Under the Ocean

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

There are many animal’s live under the immense amount of water we call, the
Ocean.  Many different types of species we know, not know, and will soon discover are
in the Ocean.  Sharks, dolphins, gold fish, whales are the kind of animals you may
already know. 

Killer whales are, well, killers. They kill for their food like sharks, but they are also
gentle, sweet, loving mammals, if you are nice to them.  This black-and-white
toothed whale grows up to 7.62 m/25 ft long.  They feed manly on fish and squid.
Native to colder seas. In Latin they are called: Orcinus orca.

Dolphins are an intelligent sea mammal cetacean that resembles a large fish.
They have teeth and a snout similar to a beak.  Found almost worldwide, dolphins are
related to whales, but are smaller. A dolphin’s family is, Delphinidae.

Coral Reefs are an ocean reef composed of the skeletons of living coral, together
with materials and organic matter.  They are also one of the most beautiful things in the

Squids are a ocean cephalopod mollusk that has two long tentacles and eight
shorter arms, a long tapered body, two triangular fins, and an internal shell.  Sadly
squids are often cooked and eaten.

The author's comments:

A thing I had to do in class.


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