The Love of Writing | Teen Ink

The Love of Writing

December 28, 2013
By FreeByWritting BRONZE, Hermiston, Oregon
FreeByWritting BRONZE, Hermiston, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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No one can hold you back anymore, breath if you need air, live if you love life, see if you need clarity. Remove those who threaten your happiness and replace them with people that add to it.

Writing isn’t about making greatness; it’s about showing the world greatness you already have. Like music, words on a page are simply nothing without an artist’s touch of meaning and purpose. Despite the thunderous disruption of life, writing continues to be my one and only unconditonal companion. I have never felt so connected, to what I cannot explain, but when my heart connects to my fingers and then to my mind I feel safe, as if I am inside of my own skull looking out at the world from and entirely different perspective. A soft whisper of never returning to reality temptingly blows through my head like a clean breath of fresh air.

When I hide myself from those who will try to break me I don’t realize that they simply can’t anymore. I’ve found myself. Where? In the dark of night under the stars, listening to the voice I had locked away for so long, realizing that the voice was my heart. As it grew louder so did my own. Later the two became one, together singing the sweet song of life. Sometimes this melody has a sorrow only matched by the cry for a lost one, or sometimes it’s matched by the joyful tears of love. You can guess the more favorable one.

Life seems to be spinning and the air begins to thicken into water, making it hard to breath. I ask myself; where am I? What am I doing with my life? Why do I simply let other’s dictate me? It’s my life. As long as I know I am doing the right thing, shouldn’t I be the one living? Then it happens; life is a choice! No one can hold you back anymore, breath if you need air, live if you love life, see if you need clarity. Remove those who threaten your happiness and replace them with people that add to it.

Try not to focus entirely on your own gain because in time you will become the very person you were oppressed by. Be the light in other people’s lives when there is none in yours. Give joy, and you will receive peace. Give peace, and you will receive joy!

-Live free

The author's comments:
The inspiration behind this peice comes from several hard life situations. It simply proves that "if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger." - kelly clarkson

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