Physical Violence Has Bad Effects on the Community | Teen Ink

Physical Violence Has Bad Effects on the Community

January 8, 2014
By nyasia m BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
nyasia m BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I recommend that we all make a change and stand up to violence, after all physical violence has bad effects On the Community in many ways. the first blow leads to a vicious cycle of repetitive violence.Physical violence leads to dead family members and sadness, causes fear and safety issues, and innocent people get hurt from it.

To set off, violence leads to dead family members and sadness because it not only damages the person involved in it, it also damages everyone around it such as school shootings with many students dead, the people in war who kill each other just for about anything, and any type of abuse like bullying. For example, a long time ago my cousin was being physically bullied for her weight and was severely wounded and her parents were very worried.

Furthermore,violence causes fear and safety issues because when violence starts to happen it breaks down communication in areas. Fearful people tend to withdraw to a place they feel safe which may be home instead of going out with friends and family. For instance I personally had to cancel plans because of a young teen being shot at the place I was going to.

Moreover, violence is a result of innocent people getting hurt because there will be those who take advantage of the withdraw of good people and the crime rate will go up. People don’t deserve this (no one does) this is why this is an issue .There are too many effects to name and just everyday children, teens, adults, loved ones… get hurt by harsh violence and it is unacceptable . It’s not like we’re super man and can fly away are cries and fears.

To end this, some people think that violence solves problems and makes you feel better, but how will your opponent feel when they've been shot, black eyed….what if you’re guilty as charged or the new victim.

The author's comments:
What inspires me to write this specific article is that i want people to realize how much damage and hurt they are doing to people and the community.I hope people will learn to love each other because staying mad at the world makes things worse.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 12:03 pm
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Nyasia! Keep up the hard work!