My Paper | Teen Ink

My Paper

May 28, 2014
By mtp12 BRONZE, Melbourne Beach, Florida
mtp12 BRONZE, Melbourne Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Escaping reality will produce more of a negative effect in the long run. At first it may seem like a good idea but humans need interaction with one another in order to live a normal life. When a person is away from socialization then they become self-reliant. They find ways of entertainment that does not include other people. Once you get away and get a breath of fresh air away from reality then you need to continue your normal life. People cannot be away from reality too long or else they start to believe that their fantasy is actual reality. Once they go back to reality they may mix up what is actually happening with being fake.

As shown in the book Lord of the Flies once a human gets to a certain point away form reality the start to act differently. They do not go by the same morals and values and they may make decisions that would not seem smart in the everyday world. The kids in the book would not normally have to turn to savagery and kill animals for their food or split up into groups and murder each other. Once a child is taken away from their common environment with people to tell them how to act and what to do they end up clueless and act with anger and vulnerability. Even though at first, escaping reality might be nice, in the long run it will be a more negative experience.

In the book Anthem everyone has a reality of where they do not get an opinion or option of anything. There is no I or you it is just we. Once one human starts to figure out that this is not how things are supposed to be they escape and form a new reality where they can live civilized lives where they can do what they want to and control their own actions. “I am done with the monster of ‘We’, the word of serfdom, of plunder, of misery, falsehood and shame.” Ayn Rand.
This quote shows how when people are concealed from having their personal opinions they hold in every emotion and feeling so they have no way of expressing themselves. Once they escaped that concealment they were able to be who they were born to be.

Escaping reality would produce more negative results. It would keep people from the real world and it would alter your perspective on was is real or fake. If more people would escape reality then eventually the world would go mad due to different beliefs in reality and how life should be lived. In the long run there are no permanent positive outcomes to getting away from the real world and living a fantasy that could never really happen . People need to stay around other people and around everyday life.

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