My Glow | Teen Ink

My Glow

May 14, 2018
By DedeDanielle BRONZE, Holton, Kansas
DedeDanielle BRONZE, Holton, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking back to when I was little I had a certain glow about me. It was a kind of hopeful glow that a child has before they grow up and realize that things aren't as simple as they seem. That beautiful glow of optimism that children take for granted, fades away as they begin to see what the world really is, pure disappointment. I realized this disappointment in the 4th grade when no one wanted to sit with me on the bus, when I began to be picked last for every game during recess, and when I would come home from school crying because I knew that I was alone but I didn’t understand why. Just as my friends had slowly left me, so did my glow.

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