Coach John | Teen Ink

Coach John

April 11, 2013
By sophieeee BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
sophieeee BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have nominated Coach John as Educator of the year I chose him because I think he helped me out so much for two whole years in 7th and 8th grade.
As my cleats stuck in the dirt, my coach John was yelling “DIG DIG DIG!” I made it home safely...

It all started in 7th grade when I was playing for a team named the Pirates; it was an open league age 13 through 18 team, and I was then 13. There were 15 girls on the team, and I was one of the new girls. I learned new things thanks Coach John.

Some things I loved about him were when I’d get down on myself he’d push me and encourage me. When I would do something wrong, he'd run out to the field where ever I was playing. Usually I played 2nd base, and he'd actually show me what I did wrong, and make me correct what I did. He always prepared me for the games; coach always told me I worked my hardest out there, so I was always ready for the ball.

Some other things I wanted to tell you about my coach are that whenever I was running or didn't catch the ball, he'd tell me “come on girl; you could had that! I know you could have!” I just knew he wanted me to do my best out there on the field. He was extremely nice too; he helped me achieve the things I wanted and needed. Now that it has been two years, and I have moved on to high school, it's hard struggling two softball teams and school. So I decided to play for only DMA the Delaware Military Academy. Although I extremely miss the Pirates, that doesn't mean I won't go out there and support them.

In conclusion, I thank Coach John for everything he did for me. He was an amazing coach; no other coach could replace him! He always told me to “go out on that field and play like it's your very last one.” I loved everything he told me, because he helped me get to the player I am today. I am proud to say I have nominated you John as my Educator of the Year!

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