Daneric Johnson | Teen Ink

Daneric Johnson

April 5, 2016
By YeseniaaJuarez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
YeseniaaJuarez BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

According to wikipedia, “A teacher is a person who provides education for students.” According to me a teacher is a person who gives loads of unnecessary homework for no reason. Now according to my favorite teacher Daneric Johnson a teacher is,  “Someone who understands the needs of their students and their able to completely convey the message.” As you can read Mr.Johnson is a man that is passionate about what he does and believes that all his students are able to reach greatness. In my school he is know as the “Master of Ceremony” he has hosted many school ceremonies, including his ‘baby’ the family literacy night and the Read It Forward Program.  He works in the english department he teaches both Pre-AP/GT, regular classes and is also the host of the Journalism Club.

I luckily have him for both Journalism and English and it is safe to say he is the best teacher I have. He is different than most teachers because he expects more from us than any other person. He makes us want to prove him right, and not disappoint him. Mr.Johnson puts a lot of pressure in us but this only makes us stronger, he is also not afraid to call us out on something that we did wrong which we appreciate. To prepare us for our STAAR he pushed us to the max, when we took the test we are expecting a difficult test, but most of us admitted that we honestly expected harder. He also always finds a  way to relate every lesson with the real world.  We all know what is to come every time we hear, “I remember...I had a friend… When I was in college…” or any other line that is the start of an interesting story.

I strongly believe that Mr.Johnson should be crowned educator of the year, and I am pretty sure my whole 2019 class knows that.  He does not only teach he contributes, helps , relates and inspires us teens.

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