Three Fantasy Players | Teen Ink

Three Fantasy Players

December 4, 2015
By 6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6jones GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who aggravate me. I am the only one who believes in  them. Three fantasy players with good matchups this weekend and one roster spot. Three who have not played up to their expectations but are here. Three sad excuses for a football player. From my phone, I can see them, but my dad says I’m crazy about this fantasy football “stuff.”

Their performances have been inconsistent. They put up 20 this week and 2 the next. They make plays and celebrate, having my faith in them restored until they make another mistake. This is how their seasons have gone.

Let’s not forget the reason for this quandary, they all drop passes like there is butter on their hands. Keep me, keep me, keep me they say when I ponder dropping them. They plead and I succumb.

When I am too bored and too tired of school, when I am obsessing over which team has the worst pass defense, I look at my fantasy team. When there is nothing left to research about the opponent. Three who were awful despite their initial expectations. Three who cause me stress and regret. Three whose only reason is to make my fantasy season as awful as possible.

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