Gay Rights | Teen Ink

Gay Rights

November 15, 2013
By Nidhi BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
Nidhi BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In history, people have denied basic rights to all kinds of groups: African Americans, Jews, Native Americans, women, etc. killing them off or not granting their liberties to them. Shouldn’t every human being have an equal chance at being happy, not being pushed down, and having basic liberties? All around the world people’s rights are still being neglected, like homosexuals not possessing equal rights simply because of their sexual orientation. I have multiple friends who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual and I’ve seen them suffer from trying to stand up for their freedom. If people keep discriminating against homosexual’s our history will be repeated, and they won’t be able to gain rights such as marriage. Benefits like adoption, healthcare, and retirement won’t be possible either. Although this may be a challenge, people everywhere should support equal rights regardless of one’s sexuality.

We would be repeating history and causing corruption if we keep going down this path of discrimination, because prejudice is a cold, cruel, locked door. For over two hundred years, African Americans in the United States were enslaved just because of the color of their skin. (Education Broadcasting Corporation). Millions of Jews were massacred in Germany during the holocaust. (Bulow, Louis), and lastly, Native Americans were called savages because of their life style (Aboukhadijeh, Feross). Another example would be how women were denied voting rights because of their gender (Rights for Women), and now homosexuals are being targeted because of their sexuality. People have been targeting others from the very start and it has led them down horrendous paths of violence and destruction. A history teacher Jim Smith says, “I am motivated by the hope that when more people have a better sense of history our world may become more rational and humane” However until people are willing to think past the norm, become compassionate, branch out form their beliefs, or become open minded we are doomed to repeat our history which is a fiery pit of regret.

In many places of the world including some parts of our country, gay marriage is illegal. Everyone should have the right to marry someone they love. But unfortunately this isn’t possible and is causing healthcare, adoption, and retirement rights to become limited. For example, health care benefits like insurance are only given to married couples. But if homosexuals aren’t allowed to get married then it’s not possible for them to have the same benefits. (NBC universal). Everyone should posses the rights to keep themselves and their partners healthy. Adoption for a gay couple in some places is also illegal but why? A gay couple can’t have a child of their own so why are they denied the right to adopt when a straight couple who can’t conceive isn’t? (Johnson, Rachel Stewart). In some parts of the U.S. where gay marriage is illegal, couples dont get retirement benefits after their partner passes away because they weren’t married and therefore, aren’t considered family.(Guillen, Lina). Is any of this fair? Not being allowed to connect yourself to the one you love with the bond of marriage, and on top of that being denied heath benefits to live longer? Not being allowed to adopt a child to raise and call your own, not being able to get money from your partners retirement fund after they pass away, no of course it’s not fair. The Declaration of Independence states “All men are created equal”, then why aren’t they treated equally? (Spark Notes Editors)

Homosexuals are being put down and being denied their basic rights in all parts of the world, and this bitter attitude towards them needs to change. Homosexuals have been on this earth as long as heterosexuals have, far before any major religions like Christianity even began. The only difference is that more and more people are coming out because people started to become more accepting. Major countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, New Zealand, and Britain allow gay marriage now. (NBC universal). Equal rights of this minority should propagate all around the world. The Declaration of Independence states that all men should have the right to “Life, liberty, and the pursuit to happiness.” But how can anyone be happy without equal rights?

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