Same sex | Teen Ink

Same sex

March 17, 2014
By Nicole035 BRONZE, Rock Island, Illinois
Nicole035 BRONZE, Rock Island, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is the difference between a same sex couple and a opposite sex couple? One is acceptable in the eyes of society and the other isn't. In our society, if a couple isn't a man and a women, it's not right and we should be against it. Can someone tell me how that can possibly be right?
What does gender have to do with anything if someone is happy and in love? Same sex marriage is the most debated topic going around and I don't see why people are against it. Same sex couples are not trying to make people go out and have relationships with the same sex, they want to be able to marry the person they love. Maybe the government should take our rights to a man and women marriage away. Maybe people would finally see what it's like to not be able to be with the person you want to be with.
Is the government taking away their rights? I would say yes. They are taking away their Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press. How can people say that making same sex marriage illegal is the right thing to do? You are taking rights away from people!
How are they doing anything wrong? What are they doing that is so bad it should be illegal? Is loving someone suddenly a crime? They're still human, nothing has changed. How is it fair that if it's an opposite sex relationship, everybody is all for it and nothing is wrong. Then, if it's a same sex relationship, its wrong and everybody is ready to start a riot. In what world is that fair and right? Where does it say that love is only between a man and women, no exceptions? No where.
The government and other people should not get involved in who people want to marry. Same sex or opposite sex, it should all be looked at in the same perspective. Legal and acceptable.

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