Separate the Boys from the Girls | Teen Ink

Separate the Boys from the Girls

April 26, 2016
By lizzymcguire16 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
lizzymcguire16 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
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Skimpy. Too short. Revailing. Words we have all heard. But, imagine hearing these words coming from a teacher, about your outfit. Many students are coming across problems like this with school dress code. Situations where they are forced to change clothes. Almost all of these students are females. In recent months school dress code has gotten out of control. Female dress code victims have taken to social media to spread awareness of the issue. Dress codes are gender bias and should be changed because they limit females as to what they can wear, it teaches women to be insecure, and it does not show males to be politeful and respectful.

To begin, school dress codes limits students as to what they can wear. Some of the dress code rules even force them to buy and wear clothing they dislike. A father of a fifth grader in Kansas explained, “On one [June day], my daughter, who is in the final throes of fifth grade, came skipping out of class, her gangly legs poking out of her favorite denim short-shorts. ‘She won’t be able to wear those next year,’ another mom commented. ‘They won’t pass the dress code.’ ‘A dress code?” (New York Times). Students are not allowed to wear their favorite clothing. Also, parents have to buy their children “school appropriate” clothing that may be uncomfortable or they might dislike. A young teen girl describes what it is like to shop and pick out clothes with a dress code, “I think it makes it very stressful to find clothes because when I go shopping for clothes, I want to go and have a good time and pick out stuff that I like and not have to be worrying like, ‘oh this is really cute but I can’t wear it because of dress code.’ I don't want it to restrict on what I can buy but that’s what it does”  (Shame- A documentary on dress code). Rules about dress code cause so much unnecessary drama for scholars. Picking out and shopping for clothes is just an average daily task. But, school dress codes are turning them into stressful and dreaded tasks.  Female scholars are being forced to change, when their clothes are not appropriate. This takes time away from students classes (Shame- A documentary on dress code). School dress code is gender bias and wrong.

School rules regarding dress code teaches women to be ashamed of their bodies and to be embarrassed by them. Zeilinger writes, “Most girls learn that women's bodies are objectified and sexualized in a way that men's simply are not as part and parcel of puberty. This past year, however, teens have been refusing to accept this sexist reality and are revolting by fighting the sexist school dress codes that reinforce this very concept” (Zeilinger). Women are being discriminated against because of what clothes they are wearing. A high schoolar explained, “I watched a girl get dragged down the hallway once, for wearing a dress that came a little above her knees” (Shame- A documentary on dress code). Women should be empowered not dragged down. Something as simple as clothing is affecting their school life, education, and more (New York Times). School dress code needs to be changed. Gender inequality is a huge problem, that is now affecting education.

School rules on dress code teaches boys wrong lessons. Dress codes are saying boys can not controls themselves and that they need a good education with no distractions. So school dress codes os for the benefit of males. Males should be disapointed in dress codes too for doubting the level of maturity they have. Dress code shows boys that it is ok to act out and made remarks about girls clothing (Zeilinger). Young males are being taught that it is ok to act like this, but girls are the ones who have to change. Males should be held to a high level of maturity. Students spoke out, “Girls… are almost exclusively singled out, typically told their outfits will ‘distract boys’  As if young men cannot control themselves in the presence of a spaghetti strap” (New York Times). Girls should not be taught these lessons,males she be taught to be polite. Schools are teaching males that immature behavior is acceptable. A high school student explains, “I think school dress codes are sexist, not only towards girls and that it tells them what they should and should not wear, but towards boys as well because it says that they can't control themselves” (Shame- A documentary on dress code). Girls obviously don't mind if they can see another girl's shoulder, collarbone, or knee. So dress codes are saying boys need a good education with no distractions. But, females don’t get this luxury. So school dress codes os for the benefit of males. Males should be disapointed in dress codes too for doubting the level of maturity they have. Effort from both sides need to be put in, rules need to be changed.

Many claim that females usually have more revealing clothing, which is why school dress codes point out females more often than males. Since there are more options of clothing for girls. But what people fail to realize is that there is just as much of a chance that could happen to boys, Female teens took to social media tweeting, “You can not control what we wear and it is not our fault.  Young men should be taught manners. Effort from both sides needs to be put into this topic” (New York Times). We need both males and “There is no question that the school dress code has more restraints for girls than it does for guys” (Shame- A documentary on dress code). Boys and girls need to be on the same level of expectations Dress code goes after females a lot more than males, this is simply unfair and unright (Shame- A documentary on dress code). Females and males deserve the same treatment.

As aforementioned, school rules on how students dress is sexist and should be changed. Dress code limits females as to what they can wear and what clothes they are allowed to buy. These rules also teach women to be insecure and worry about what clothes they wear or how they look. Also, school dress code does not teach males to be politeful and to respect their female peers. The bottom line of school dress code is that is wrong and promotes everything society should getting away from. The twenty-first century is the time not only to end sexsism in school dress code, but to also end gender inequality everywhere.

The author's comments:

Boys and girls should be held to the same level of expections. There should be no unfair treatment.

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